Housing and feeding mandarines ducks


12 Years
Aug 7, 2007
near ottawa ontario
I am new to mandarines ducks. Winter is coming and i wonder if i should coop them up in the barn. Right now they are in a pen with a pool..Soon i will not be able to fill the pool anymore. They have a door to go into the barn at night. But they havent done that. I covered there pen with plastic and tarps for the winter. Because i get lots of wind here.

Also what should they be eating. I have be giving them chick grower and some laying mash. They are this year hatch. What treats can i give them?
When you say this years hatch- how old are they now?? Chick grower and layer mash are manufactured with different levels of protein and nutrients for different aged birds- as the requirements of growing birds is different to that of a mature bird.
My birds are eating a mixture of feed wheat and laying pellets.. it is a 2:1 ratio wheat to pellets. I have been doing this for over and year now and the other breeder close to me does the same thing.

As far as treats.. When they are in the water I give mine (large mixture of waterfowl) the floating catfish wood which gives them some higher protein and mine love Crickets!
For wheat. Is it whole wheat or grind up. As goes for laying pellets. Is it the meat building pellets. I called the feed store and that is all they have. Or is laying pellets that you give to chickens. ?
The mandarins should be good through the winter. as long as they have something to block the harsh winds they are a winter hardy bird.
Mine just get the purina waterfowl grower mixed in with some chicken scratch (helps put fat on for winter)
I feed mine Mazuri as I can't get the duck grower down here. I feed them Mazuri Starter for 4 wks, then start adding the Mazuri Maintance gradually to it. At 2 months I also give them Scratch & Purina Flock Raiser mixed about half & half for when they want a treat. They prefer the Mazuri but like to nibble on the mix too some. I like the Flock Raiser because it is higher in Protein at 19% vs. 15% in Layer. Males don't need that much extra calcium, to much can cause harm to them as it build up since they are not laying eggs and using it up.
Favorite treats are Floating Catfish food or a little fresh chopped spinach in a dish of water, Crickets, Minnows in the pool, & Water Melon.

Plastic is good. I do it down here too on the N side and part of the east and west side of the cage for when we get a really cold snap like last year with strong winds. They do need a wind break for sure. They like to snuggle up next to bales of hay or pine straw. Make them a little cubbie hole to get in or lay on top of. They still need a pool 2 or 3 x's a week. They must bath to keep their feathers groomed and water proof to shelter them from the cold

My ducks can be seen here http://pets.webshots.com/album/562207564unUUlW
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Thanks for the information.It was well said and understood. I am going to the feed store today. I want to make sure i do things right. I have to pick up straw also. I think i can get the floating fish food at the pet store. I am going to give them some of that today. I have been giving them romaine lettuce. They liked that.
Thanks again exoticduckluvr. Great ducks you have there.

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