Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

Hey!!!!!!!! From a Brinsea owner (x2) - this is a GREAT idea!!!!

I found that it was helpful to talk to others using the same incubators as me - to get their input on the problems that I was having....and some of them were specific to the particular incubator.

Anyway, good luck to all you Hovies!!!!!!!!!!
I am in, and just finished a hatch in my Genesis 1588. I went 7/10, with 2 EE, and 5 OE's. It is now clean and waiting for a batch of Ameraucana's, EE's, and OE's, coming next week from Muggsmagee. I also have a hovabator 2362N that I can fire up if need be.
Oh, come on, you can hatch again! Or you can post pictures of the chicks that you hatched and stuff here, if you'd like. Tell me what you hatched through PM and I'll add you to the list.

Kelly, PM me.

GAGE, you are being added. Sounds like a lot of fun!
Here are a few pictures of my quail chicks.


Everyone when I first opened the bator.

My Coturnix Chicks.

All of the Buttons

Smaller than the quarter.
ah man.....i'm too late
all mine hatched on the 5th in my genesis 1588, 37 out of 39 hatched. these were all "Redhorn" eggs, a RIR x Leghorn cross
I'm in too. Even though mine was set last month they will hatch on Valentines day. I started out with 5 FR/FBCM 4 OE and 5 Faverolle. Now I have 3 FR/FBCM 4 OE and 0 Faverolle apparently my boy isn't doing his job.

I'm planning to hatch again this month I'm still collecting FR/FBCM And Fav. eggs if my Porcelain Duccle would start laying I could test her fertility. And I want to hatch some of teddi's Duccle in March. I'm ordering a genesis 1588 with nice big window.
I set 23 eggs but only 6 made it into lock down last night... 1 mottled and 5 millie fleur's (bantam cochins). I have a Hova Bator 1588 with turner-- this is my 1st time incubating/hatching

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