Hovabator help - Why does the red light turn off?


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
Got a Hovabator today! Hooray! Model 1602N and we got the turner. It seems like everytime I leave the room though, the light turns off. I'm in the room right now and it just clicked itself off. Why? I re-turned the thermostat one full turn and it clicked back on. Help?
Or is it not turning off? I really don't know much about incubators so any help would be great.
Should I leave the turner on or something?
Maybe the thermostat thingy isn't tight enough? The wingnut is tight on it...
Light comes on when the heater is on to adjust temp, light goes off when, light goes off heat goes off, light flashes when it is cycling. are you using a thermometer? you just watch the temp on that and adjust buy turning so light comes on and it reaches about 99.5 degrees once you get to thier, it will maintain it self esp if you have it inside where you room temp is pretty constatnt. after that just chek it about once a day to make sure temp is holding pretty good, and humidity where you want.

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