How about outdoor sensor lights

Hopefully there would be some sort of barrier between raccons and chickens... unlike sweet corn standing in the middle of nothing.
Has anyone tried the night guard?The red eye?I have ordered two and will put them up when the snow goes.I have read they work very well in keeping predators away.Hope have not wasted my money
Hopefully there would be some sort of barrier between raccons and chickens... unlike sweet corn standing in the middle of nothing.

You are so right, I have a coop, my chickens are not it the middle of the yard, they are contained: to compare corn to chickens that are contained is ludicrous, I am sorry. We are going off the deep end here.

This is my questions. I have a coop that holds my chickens at night, I wanted to know if anyone has used motion lights to deter predators from trying to enter said coop.
My hope was to install the light and when the predator comes by to ENTER THE COOP he is spooked by the light before he enters and runs away.

It is a very simple question, either you did in which case I would like to know what device you use, I can only use battery operated ones, or you can say you use them and it does not work. And hopefully you would tell me why you think it did not work, did the predator get into the coop anyway?
I had a predator in my coop scaring my girls he did not eat them but one got injured trying to get away.
the llight will be postioned very close tot he coop so the light will go on at the door not 100 feet away so there is no scare factor. He will approach and think everything is fine then suddenly the light will pop on sharply. That should, I am hoping, chase them away.
If it doesn't the light will wake me instantly and I will be out tere in a flash to chase him. I am a very light sleeper if I sleep at all.
I do appreciate all the comments but I need an answer to my question.
Thank everyone.​
I have an idea for this but dh looks at me like i am nuts....stopped at a small store a couple of weeks ago, and right after you walk in you hear a loud bell going off.. i asked about it and was told the bell is in the back warehouse so that they know when somebody enters the store.... now my curiousind just has to check this out,,, so i start playing with the door... no bell. the manager then tells me it is not in the door it is a sensor that runs in front of the door..... so here is my idea.... why couldn't i run one of these sensors around the perimeter of the coop and instead of a bell have the sound of gunfire, maybe even a light coming on at the same time.... can you tell my mind wonders around by itself quite often.
I do have motion lights shining down into my main coop's run (our run is wire covered). I think they work great! It's caught my cat walking around on top of my run a time or It has gone off a time or two when we didn't see anything, so I'll presume that whatever set it off either ran away or hid by the time we got out there... Our run is quite secure, but we wanted multiple levels of defense.
You are so right, I have a coop, my chickens are not it the middle of the yard, they are contained: to compare corn to chickens that are contained is ludicrous, I am sorry. We are going off the deep end here.

This is my questions. I have a coop that holds my chickens at night, I wanted to know if anyone has used motion lights to deter predators from trying to enter said coop.
My hope was to install the light and when the predator comes by to ENTER THE COOP he is spooked by the light before he enters and runs away.

It is a very simple question, either you did in which case I would like to know what device you use, I can only use battery operated ones, or you can say you use them and it does not work. And hopefully you would tell me why you think it did not work, did the predator get into the coop anyway?
I had a predator in my coop scaring my girls he did not eat them but one got injured trying to get away.
the llight will be postioned very close tot he coop so the light will go on at the door not 100 feet away so there is no scare factor. He will approach and think everything is fine then suddenly the light will pop on sharply. That should, I am hoping, chase them away.
If it doesn't the light will wake me instantly and I will be out tere in a flash to chase him. I am a very light sleeper if I sleep at all.
I do appreciate all the comments but I need an answer to my question.
Thank everyone.

The answer to your question is very simple. Yes. A light flashing on unexpectedly WILL scare predators away. Will they get used to it and come back knowing it's "just a light"? That depends on the individual. I am not speculating like some, I have seen it with my own eyes. Often times, the best defense is multiple defenses. If the lights coming on saved a single attempted attack, I do believe you could dub the lights worth it. Especially since in my case they were installed on the side of my house before we bought it

That is a great idea but for me it would not work to have a loud noise I do not live on a farm and my neighbors would not like it.
I used to have those is my store, as you pass the noise makes a sound. I would look into it if I were you.

I used to have them on me deck and every critter set them off. but they are broke and I don't want to hook up any electric over the coop. thanks I was hoping it worked for someone.
Here is the one I'm thinking about getting, since we don't have electricity out at our coop either and our winters are long and it gets dark early. If it acts as a predator deterrent as well, then I will consider it an added bonus!

I know you can find stronger solar motion and spot lights, but I like the size of this one for next to our people door (which does not face the run) so hopefully the hens being out near dusk will not set it off.
That is nice and I looked aat that but I chose this one, same difference:
I liked it because it swivels.. and we can also move them from time to time, I did expect that, I read that somewhere that when you put those fake dogs to scare the deer they have to be moved so they don't get used to it being in the same place, eventually they catch on that it is not real. lol
sounds like a good idea, most night time predators are not gonna like lights shining on them, but there are some that will freeze when the light hits them. the problem i have thinking a solar light would help is most of the time those are not very bright. i've put them up in several places around the yard just to light walkway/steps/pathways, they're ok for that but i wouldn't think they'd be bright enough to scare off many coons, possums or skunks

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