How about this? Pigs?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 5, 2008
Just today an acquaintance advised me that I could protect my free ranging flocks by introducing a...PIG. Apparently predators of all kinds are scared of pigs.

Well, I thought that was kind of unusual, so I looked up PIG on this forum.

Some here say that not only is a pig not a protector, it might even EAT THE CHICKENS.

Now I have heard everything.
I was told my my Dept. of Ag that pigs spread a deadly disease to chickens that can kill people. I forgot what it is called. Call & ask your Dept. of Ag.
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And I used to think that chickens were mainly herbivores - until I started raising a backyard flock. I have seen mine go after mice; chase my cats; and somehow swallow giant insects.

But pigs eating anything they can catch? I am truly disbelieving.
And I used to think that chickens were mainly herbivores - until I started raising a backyard flock. I have seen mine go after mice; chase my cats; and somehow swallow giant insects.

But pigs eating anything they can catch? I am truly disbelieving.

Pigs are omnivores, and can be VERY DANGEROUS. Yes, they will eat chickens, cats, smaller dogs, anything they can catch. Ever heard of a wild boar? Guess what it is...a pig. Ever heard of javelina? Guess what it is...a pig. People think Porky Pig, and cute, or fat smelly mudwallowers, but pigs can be very aggressive creatures.
Don't fall down in the pig pen or you will be dinner. If you have ever been around pigs, you know they are intelligent, inquisitive, and voracious. While pigs may associate peacefully with chickens once one figures out that they taste good, friendship is over and dinner is on.
And I used to think that chickens were mainly herbivores - until I started raising a backyard flock. I have seen mine go after mice; chase my cats; and somehow swallow giant insects.

But pigs eating anything they can catch? I am truly disbelieving.

Pigs are omnivores, and can be VERY DANGEROUS. Yes, they will eat chickens, cats, smaller dogs, anything they can catch. Ever heard of a wild boar? Guess what it is...a pig. Ever heard of javelina? Guess what it is...a pig. People think Porky Pig, and cute, or fat smelly mudwallowers, but pigs can be very aggressive creatures.

Some friends of mine had their pigs eat one of their cats.

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