How about this? Pigs?

Except for the pot bellied pig that ate a duck, I think most of you are talking about wild/feral pigs that go loose and kill everything in their path. We had a few pigs when I was a kid and we weren't scared of them and they never did anyone any harm. They were your old-fashioned Landrace type, I am almost positive.
I've never heard of a guard-pig, but it might work if you started out with a baby.

My bird-mentor friend that got me started at chickening keeps a couple burros in his pasture, and his bird coops are just sitting in the middle of the pasture. The birds get total free-range, and they stay safe because apparently donkeys fly into a violent rage over intruders.
Actually a majority of them are talking about domesticated pigs killing chickens, ducks, pets (cats, dogs) and some even attacking humans. Yes there are some wild hog stories in there. All in all I would not trust a pig with chickens. I think you would be safer with an herbivore guard animal than an omnivore one. Just my opinion.
I do wish you the best in whatever you choose to do.
Thanks! The person who recommended I get a guard pig also suggested a goat. I think they're the best domesticated creatures from what I hear - clean, easy to feed, etc. But no pigs for me!
I'm very lucky with my 3 pigs then... They dont go after my birds at all. Heck my drake chases THEM and they run away...

But i do agree... you have to be careful with them always.. because you just never know what they will do..
I would never push my luck and have my pigs LIVE with my chickens or ducks. They do get along fine together in my backyard though...
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And I used to think that chickens were mainly herbivores - until I started raising a backyard flock. I have seen mine go after mice; chase my cats; and somehow swallow giant insects.

But pigs eating anything they can catch? I am truly disbelieving.

Pigs are omnivores, and can be VERY DANGEROUS. Yes, they will eat chickens, cats, smaller dogs, anything they can catch. Ever heard of a wild boar? Guess what it is...a pig. Ever heard of javelina? Guess what it is...a pig. People think Porky Pig, and cute, or fat smelly mudwallowers, but pigs can be very aggressive creatures.

And to add to that....pigs are indeed omnivores....people are meat....ever watch Hannibal?

Donkeys kill dogs and cats. They will stomp them in the ground.

Pigs will kill chickens and cats. Mine chased the cats, & chickens all the time.

A friend of mine lost some chickens to his pigs. They flew in the stall and the pigs attacked them and feathers went flying.
Have you seen The Wizard of Oz? Remember when Dorothy fell into the pig pen ? The "cowardly lion" almost had a heart attack trying to get her out ...

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