How about this? Pigs?

I think its how they are raised...
My pigs used to sleep in my house and my cats would sleep WITH my pigs... the cats would be all snuggled up under the blankets with them.
Because they were raised with them from piglets. My pigs have also been exposed to birds since they were they dont think of them as food. (so far...
I also dont feed my pigs meat. I figure they get the protein they need in their pig feed. Treats are only veggies/fruits/crackers/chips/popcorn
... left over dinner sides...whatever..... but NO meat.
I dont feed them meat because i'm hoping it will stop them from wanting to eat all my critters...
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I have heard of farm hogs baiting chickens with food..
The pigs would hold the feed in their mouths..and when the chickens would stick their heads in to eat.... BLAM! Dinner...
Actually...someone on here told that story.... cant remember who...
but thats how smart pigs are... *shivers*
A long time ago when I had TV.. I was watching a show about the almost perfect crimes.

This guy had a pig farm. And the barn had a cement floor. He would kill people and throw them in with the pigs. And after the pigs fought for the meat the left over bones got ground to a powder and then washed down a drain I do believe..

What got the guy caught. He threw the purses and shoes in the bushes at the other end of his property..
I would like you guys to meet my guard pig, since I had him, close to 1 year, I have not lost chickens to foxes, the chickens free range with him and he lets them eat out of his scraps, had him since he was a little piglet, he is I think over 300 pounds or maybe heavier, and he loves to be scratched on the belly, I've heard of bad pigs that is true, once they do some thing wrong and they like it they will keep on doing it, but I'm glad mine is not like that
, just got to keep his belly full and he is the nicest pig, and a good guard dog.

Here Is POPY
*redhens taking notes... dispose of personal property OFF of my property...*
When I posed my question, I didn't dream that I would be reading all this stuff about violent pigs (except for that beautiful black guard pig). Even tho I was raised on a farm, it did not occur to me that pigs were omnivores. Our pigs were fed "slops" and crushed grain. No meat there!

Nava, that's a hell of a photo! Domestic piggy 'n' chicky bliss. But how come some of your chickens are lacking neck feathers?
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Okay...heres some pics of my pigs with my other animals.

Hammie and Cricket (we dont have the goats anymore..) but they got along just fine.


Hammie and 2 ducks.... he used to lay down for them and get his belly "scratched"... they used to follow him all over the yard... (sadly those ducks died...


Hammie and Dyson eating with the goats and chickens


Hammie at christmas


Dyson at christmas


Olivia and my bunny Granite

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Domesticated pigs usually will not bother other animals until they eat MEAT. Once pigs start eating meat they will start to turn on you and your other animals.

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