How about this? Pigs?

If you ever saw "Deadwood" on HBO, the pig sty in "China Town" is where the seedy bar keep would dispose of guys who got shot in bar fights.
That is so crazy!!! We had 13 potbelly pigs! Mama, Dad, and 11 babies! We had them with our dogs (yorkies, chih, & poodles) all running loose in our back yard. NEVER EVER had a problem!

I'd still have ours if we were still zoned for them! BUUUUUT we moved & our new place can have anything but pigs! I miss them

So that is so crazy to hear that! Our pigs weren't fed slop though we fed them fruits, veges, and corn.
They love small children too. My dad bought me four pigs when I was about six, and my only memory of them is the day they got loose and charged after me, they would have eaten me if I did not manage to climb up a tree until my dad shot them. We had never fed them meat, and they had been treated like pets.

There was a real-life murder case in Colorado a few years back where a guy reported his wife missing, said he'd last seen her getting into a semi with a trucker and she never came home...later they found her teeth in the mud in the pig pen; that was the only part of her the pigs did not eat. The man apparently killed her and threw her body in there.

I don't think a pig would be a good guard.

I've heard of donkeys being used to protect sheep...but I've also heard horror stories about them stomping several dozen chickens to death in less than a minute. Goats will not deter predators that well, we have them--including three bucks and some impressive sets of horns--and the coyotes come right up to the back porch looking for chickens and kids to eat.
Pigs are omnivores, and can be VERY DANGEROUS. Yes, they will eat chickens, cats, smaller dogs, anything they can catch. Ever heard of a wild boar? Guess what it is...a pig. Ever heard of javelina? Guess what it is...a pig. People think Porky Pig, and cute, or fat smelly mudwallowers, but pigs can be very aggressive creatures.
javelinas (peccaries) aren't true pigs, but are closely related. :)
Pigs domestic feral or wild, are known to feast on snakes, both venomous and nonvenomous.
I don't recall if their tough skin is a deterrant from being hurt by snakebite or if they have a natural immunity to venom like a king snake has- but the earlier reference to clearing out swamps refers to their appetite for snake meat.
All things considered, I'd take my chances with the snakes and keep away from full grown hogs regardless of their upbringing.
speaking of chickens being meat eaters. I have let chickens work over a deer carcuss after I had taken what meat I could off of it. they will clean the bones to the last tiny morsel and love doing it.

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