How annoying are crows?

Gaming ducky

Jun 28, 2021
Will my neighbours hear a rooster crowing how far away do they need to be to not hear them from both mine and my neighbours house
Not sure. My next door neighbor that has chickens is just over a quarter of a mile away and I can hear her roosters clearly from my patio in the mornings, evenings, during the day, whenever. Oh, and I'm hard of hearing.

How annoying are crows?​

I haven't had a problem with them.
I've heard they keep hawks away.

"Will my neighbours hear a rooster crowing how far away do they need to be to not hear them from both mine and my neighbours house"

I have 5 households with chickens within an eighth of a mile of me.
I only hear crowing from one of them to the south of me, 3 houses away.

I only hear crowing when I'm outside or my windows are open and nobody is using power equipment like mowers.
It's a distant sound and doesn't bother me. In fact if I'm in my pens with my girls, they don't seem to notice or care.

Now if this Rooster was my closest neighbor directly across the street and it was constant crowing that I could hear in my house It could get annoying.
I have an old house and I can hear my hens when they lay or sound an alert when my window AC is off.
In fact I ran outside yesterday afternoon when I heard my hens sound an alert. I didn't see anything.
If houses in your neighborhood have their windows open, or people are outside they will hear your Rooster within an eighth of a mile. GC
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I dont know exactly how far, but I will say if annoyance is an issue go with the biggest rooster you can get. The bigger the rooster the deeper tone it is. Its a much nicer, far less noticeable noise. Bantam rooster crows are just about the worst noise you've ever heard if your not used to roosters 🤣 . I have a maran rooster and his sound great.
I dont know exactly how far, but I will say if annoyance is an issue go with the biggest rooster you can get. The bigger the rooster the deeper tone it is. Its a much nicer, far less noticeable noise. Bantam rooster crows are just about the worst noise you've ever heard if your not used to roosters 🤣 . I have a maran rooster and his sound great.
Silkie roosters?
It depends on the breed, as well as the individual. My Easter Egger's crow is very loud and kind of hurts your ears (he makes a very sharp tone). My Cochin bantam's crow is hardly even noticeable. He makes a very quiet "Ay-ay-ay". 😂
My cockerel makes little ehhhhh sounds I hear it while I’m feeding my isa browns
How far the sound travels depends on a lot of things, but some crows can be heard for miles around. How far away are your neighbors? Unless you are on a farm and your neighbors are spread very far out, chances are they will hear your rooster, and so will you. Whether that's annoying, really depends on the person. Some people are annoyed on principle. Others are more sensitive to sounds or irritants. Me personally, I'm not annoyed at all. I used to sleep with the windows open and not hear our rooster in the back yard at all, while my mom had to sleep with ear plugs in. I have my own flock now and don't have a rooster because my neighbors complain. People are different. Best to go talk to your neighbors and see what they think about it, and have a plan B in case they don't want to live with the sound. Check your town bylaws, too, to see if there's anything specific about roosters.

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