How are you frugal?

Good LUCK!!

GUESS WHAT?!!!! I got the machine and the fabric!!!! Wahooooo!
I paid $2.00 for the machine and $2.00 for two boxes of fabric!!!!

Told ya the stuff goes cheap sometimes!!

Slam Dunk!

Cool I'm so happy for you. What a great deal! As they say one man's junk (Not always junk) to another man's treasure! I love getting great deals like that - they are so much more special forever.
I have cut my husband's hair for 17+ years - just wished we would have put the $20.00 in jar for each one and we would that much closer to retirement.

I only feed dry cat food to our kitty. No can food for her to turn up her nose and have it go to waste.

Shhhhhh - don't tell anyone I save $100 bills since I can't stand to break them. Put them away in the safe for a rainy day.
I do something similiar with the cash I carry. I try to keep it in big chunks, because like ice, once it's broken into smaller pieces it seems to melt away faster. It's more tempting to buy that dollar item if you have singles available in your wallet, more tempting to buy that snack item if you have change jingling in your pocket.
Pay bills online, shop for sale items (store for later use), buy reduced veggies and meats (then freeze in serving size pkgs) and lastly when in a store, I always shop the Clearance bins/areas. Grow and store lots of produce
chickensducks&agoose :

As far as swiffers go, I LOVE mine, but I use a square of microfiber towel instead... dry if i just want dusting, or damp with a little bit of dish soap for a nice mopping... Those disposable sheets cost $$, and then more $ to throw away!

I have never thought of that ... I am going to give it a try​
I have never thought of that ... I am going to give it a try

You know I did the math one time on the swiffer pads and in Calif they cost 27 cents each. I have a really old swiffer that you manual attach the pad and there is not sprayer part and I use a wash cloth and then throw it in the washer when done.

It's the same thing with those toilet bowl cleaner pads - they are really expensive too. Nothing wrong with a medical exam gloves on the old hands, wash cloth and some Comet to get my toilets clean.

Now you might say the gloves are expensive, but I a bit of a germ freak and like to keep my hands clean and don't care for the bulky yellow rubber gloves. I also use the exam gloves to pull weeds in the garden and they work great. Last all day and no dirt under the finger nails or stained fingers from the the dirt.
Ive taken notes of all of the great ideas shared in this post.Thanks.Although we do alot of them already;Chicks for eggs,garden,canning,auctions,garage sales etc...My best money saver is with the coupons..I refuse to pay for that "grocery game" I have been doing that for years.I have friends n neighbors clip what they use n give me the rest of the coupon inserts.Occassionally I will go to the $$$ store n purchase a paper or 2 if there are alot of great coupons.I write down things that are on sale n at a great price.I check how many cpns I have and put those cpns in a envelope.I will buy as many items as I have cpns for.I know my prices n I use what I buy.I stock up and have a storage room w/shelves for everything.I keep tabs on what we are low on and watch for sales n cpns.Last week my order was $95.00 after cpns I paid $6.36..Im stocked on everything from deoderant to pasta..The best deals are clearance items with a cpn..Target had secret deodorant 3 pk on clearance for 2.25 minus my 1.25 cpn...Wow ..I had 5 cpns...Last week walgreens had dove on sale for $3.00 minus my $1.50 cpn and if you bought 8 of them it gave you $10.00 off your next basically I paid $2.00 for 8 bottles of dove shampoo...Used the $10.00 cpn for razors which were on sale,plus fun,a challenge and my part-time job. You would be surprised at what you can save n our menus are based on "what's on sale" whats in the freezer' etc.. Those rubber gloves for cleaning,on sale 99 cents minus $1.00 cpn...A trick for keeping dirt out from under your nails when digging in the yard..scrape the bar soap with your nails before you go out side.When you come in to wash up,the soap is under your nails n not the dirt..Cleans up great..PS..Does anyone else use salt for washing clothes?? It helps remove stains n keeps whites white without bleach.Also great for stains on dishes and stopping slugs from eating your plants..Any other ideasout there for old fashion cleaning/laundry stuff using natural things??? I also use vinegar around the garden as a deer repellant.
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The Short List:
I make my own detergent and it comes to about $.01 per load.

Line dry clothes when possible.

Use dryer balls instead of fabric softener. They cost $10 and I've had them for the past 4 years. They make the clothes soft, helps them dry faster, and have no cloying smells.

I grind my own wheat and make my own bread.

Garden and can/freeze it.

Start my own seedlings from seed.

Raise chickens and can/freeze the extra roos and older hens.

Make my own dog food out of venison, chicken, beef scraps and organs, rice, potatoes, carrots, garlic, onion, sea salt and extra eggs.

Don't do dairy or store bought meats.

Don't charge anything on credit.

Don't have cable or satellite TV.

Don't have a cell phone or a car payment.

Heat with wood.

Raise hair sheep and will profit from offspring, while getting my orchard and yard mowed without using gas or wear and tear on my lawn mower.

Recycle and repurpose free stuff~dumpster dive.

Keep all appliances on power bars to prevent phantom loads.

Don't have air conditioning.

Free range chickens to save on feed, de-bug my yard/orchard, provide healthier meats for my family.

Sell my eggs.

My mother cuts my hair, I cut all my kid's hair.

Eat good, healthy foods and exercise regularly, and maintain a good immune system so that I can avoid healthcare costs.

Do it myself, make it last, make do, stay at home....stopped spending money on things I do not need.
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