How attached to your spouse are you?

Im pretty attached to DH, probably more than he is to me, lol. We've been married for 17 years and when he is out of town I pace the floor and cant sleep. If he falls asleep on the sofa, and not in bed, I cant sleep cause I cant hear him snore. The lists goes on and on!
DH is my best friend. Yes it's true he almost drove me insane when he was out on workmans comp. for 8 months, but that's because he was confined to the house for most of that time and we both got a bit of cabin fever.

Now that he's back to work I miss him. He says he misses being home with me too. Talking more seriously about retirement.

I know alot of folks say that their spouses are their best friends, but I seriously mean it. He's my rock and I'd be totally lost without him.
OMG, i just reread this
"the dogs and I have been out in the yard chewing on deer bones and butt sniffing and rolling in smelly stuff. As much fun as that is someone is missing and it's just not the sam

Doesn't everybody do this?

Well we've been married 37 years and have farmed and ranched together for all those years. We're together (or at least within shouting distance of each other) pretty much 24/7/365 so I guess we're pretty much attached.
Doesn't everybody do this?


UUhhhhmmm,.. no...

but more power to ya if do and someone loves ya anyway!!

you are one lucky guy or your wifey just can't smell anything

DH and I have been married for 33 years. For most of that time, he has worked away from home for up to 60-70 days at a time, then home for 14-30 days (usually more toward the 14 than the 30 days home). He was a towboat captain for many years, then a steamboat captain (Delta Queen, Mississippi Queen, and the American Queen - in the Guinness book of records as the largest overnight passenger steamboat in the world -- some of you may have seen him on a TV program called "Superships"). He has been retired for 1 year and 5 months, and we have loved every minute of it! It is so wonderful to wake up together, and just to reach out and touch each other during the night. He laughs when people ask him if he's bored or if he misses the river...
He tells them he doesn't have time to be bored; he has a 30 year "honey-do" list to catch up on! We're both active with our church and the Bible College at which we volunteer, and we are delighted to finally be able to spend time together on a regular basis without worrying about how soon he has to go back to work. I am just beside myself with glee! Do we get on each other's nerves sometimes? Of course. Do we love each other with all our heart and soul? Absolutely! Is there anyone else in this world I'd rather spend my life with? Not a chance.

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