How attached to your spouse are you?

UUhhhhmmm,.. no...

but more power to ya if do and someone loves ya anyway!!

you are one lucky guy or your wifey just can't smell anything

My Dh and I really enjoy being around each other. Been 8 years and today I was supposed to work just a 3 hour shift, only going in as back up in case I was needed. He asked me to stay home so we could enjoy working on a new rabbit cage. He said building it without me wouldn't have been the same cause we always do all of that stuff together. We got 2 baby bunnies last night. So I called my boss and they said it was fine, and they would see me tomorrow for my full shift :) I guess it wasn't that busy at work today after all. Now I am waiting on him to come up from the basement with the cut wood so we can put it together :)

So I guess you could say we are quite attached :)
We'll have our 25th anniversary in 10 days. We love the time we spend together, but at the same time, when I come home from a week long fishing trip, we both find out how much we enjoyed our time alone. We have had only 2 major arguments in our time together, so I think short vacations do help.
Were a few months shy of 16 years together. I am fortunate to have her. She however reminds me of this regularly. About a year ago I got to thinking, "what WOULD do if she was no longer in my life?" I started thinking about all the things I would look for in a "Back Up Wife" if I had to find someone again and the end result was an 8 page "Application"!!

She just rolls her eye's when I tell her that she needs to stay healthy, because I dont have any approved applicants on file yet!

I have in a Word doc if anyone wants to apply for the position :lol
that depends on the day.... like toady.. he could not leave soon enough for work i am cheesed at him.... other days i cant wait till he is home... we have been married for 15 years...
Before we retired, we missed each other terribly and greeted each other at the door, watched for each other to come home, etc.

Now, we cherish our rare times apart, like if he goes to Portland for a doc appt or I go to Portland for a few days to shop for fabric with friends.

But while we enjoy our time away, we miss each other terribly and greet each other at the door and watch for each other to drive up the road.
We've been married 15 years now. For the first 11 years, we worked different days so we hardly had any days off together. When we moved and he retired from that career, it took some getting used to having him around on MY days off. Now we're pretty much inseparable. We talk every weekday at lunch time. I have more holiday days than he does, so I meet him for lunch on the days he has to work. DH is almost 19 years older, so I know there is a good chance that there may come a time when he won't be around. I cherish every (okay, the vast majority) moment with him. We always leave with a kiss and greet each other with a kiss. When we argue, we still say we love each other, cause you never know what might happen. I would hate to imagine the horrible feeling I would have to live with, if the last thing I said was something ugly.

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