How BAD TV has gotten?

I couldn't agree more! We gave away our last tv about 6 or 7 years ago and haven't missed it a bit.

So funny! Same thought!
We recently decided to cancel our Dish Contract. It was just too expensive. Besides, we have Netflix and with the Wii we can watch hundreds, maybe even thousands, of shows instantly through our internet connection. Good shows, shows we liked as kids, documentary, TONS of kids shows, too. Over the past week or so we watched full seasons of several series--Merlin, X-Files, Jim Henson's Storyteller, several others. At $8.95 a month it can't be beat!
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We have netflix to and for the most part like it. We don't use it as much as could but that is ok to. We do watch on occasion the instant movies but mostly on the computers. I would say we watch a movie about once or twice a week, still a good deal though. We haven't had a game console in years in the house, I guess we got burned out on them many years ago. I do think tv and games are part of the reason some of the children are in such poor health these days. But that is the fault of the parents not the tv or the games.
worse then you peeps know for us canadian's will not that bad but still.... in canada we a have a commsion thing that says 65% of our TV shows and 30% (i think*) of raido songs have to be canadian so we have re runs, and every now and agian have a GOOD show....
Wow...that sounds kinda controlling... IMO.

umm in a sense , but we still knida (not much) have our contere (sp?) in a sense.

you know what sucks, is that dirty jobs is on once or tiwce a week, and the same goes for myth busters
They don't have netflix in Canada?

all programs, does not relley mater what place they come from i think need to fallowe this gide line (altho i do nto know if that is the case or not)

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