how can i avoid putting down my whole flock and still show?

well good luck with your birds and lets keep in touch tell me how everything goes okay!?!and you can still disinfect the coop to help whatever it is to stay at bay
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There's always the "lopping the head off" option too!
Is there an avian vet anywhere near you? It may or not be Coryza. It could be one of the many other respiratory illnesses out there.
Is there an avian vet anywhere near you? It may or not be Coryza. It could be one of the many other respiratory illnesses out there.

dont just about all the respiratory illnesses have carriers ..if not can you tell me which ones??? and thanks for the option ill look into finding an avian vet
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First State is great. Had supper with Peter not long ago: very knowledgeable.

If you can wait 6 weeks that is fine, but when birds are dropping like flies you sometimes have to take the best approach you can: kind of like a doctor will do with a person while awaiting lab results (he'll still give you antibiotics!).

Peter will recommend Oxine instead of bleach. Like I said, I'm just cheap.
does bleach work as well as oxine? and very good thinking lol you have a good head on your shoulders .lol unlike chickens when you lop the head off( courtesy of CUDA)haha
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avian vet? Go to your State Poultry Vet if you are going to use anybody. All the avian vet is going to do is send the carcass off to the State Vet and then charge you triple for their report.
Does bleach work as well? Peter says no but he's selling Oxine left and right too. He's probably right too. But bleach works well enough for those of us that don't have the $30 a bottle.

I told you I was cheap. I'm not going to purposely mislead or lie to you. I'm also not going to lead you down a money trail either.

And yes, I have $200 chickens. Oh, I have one hen that was $1,500 too; but it ain't about the money I paid for my birds. It is about reasonable care at a reasonable cost.

I hope this is helping. saladin
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