how can i get my dog to eat his food?

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my dog is 1 year old and a few month, he eats bones, spare ribs, wet food (but i took him off wet because it is bad) and i dont think it is his teeth he eats every other thing harder then kibble with out a problem the only food he will eat with out a problem is bakers hates the rest, he will eat ANYTHING brussel prouts you name it with out a problem but show him dog food he sniffs it and walks away, and my sister calls me cruel for not letting him have table scraps and making him eat dog food, also i would give him gravy but it gives him diareah
Yep, he's training YOU! Dogs will not starve, no table scaps, no bones, no gravy or wet food, offer dry kibble only! I can't tell you how many would go into my vets office complaining of the same problems, the vet would tell them the dog is training them well. Treats should be either given in another room completely or outside, and always dog biscuits or other dog related treats, no scraps! You are not cruel, scraps can be very bad for them as you can see.
Be strong, you can do this!

im trying my best, i just dont like being called cruel for it, and i might wait another month before i change his food just so i wont upset his stomache ot much
I agree with the other posters about not feeding him table scraps until he starts eating his regular food. A high quality dog kibble is going to have more of the essential nutrients, vitamins, and balanced content that a dog needs to stay healthy. If he is just getting scraps he might be missing out on something, and it could also be why he is having stomach issues. Cooked meat is actually fairly hard for a dog to digest because cooking meat kills enzymes in it that dogs need to help them break it down in their stomachs. Raw meat is much better for them to eat. I would be careful if the bones you are giving are from cooked food as well- they can splinter and puncture intestines. Any veggies you give should however be cooked, or pureed because dogs again just don't have the same digestive system as humans, and they are unable to break them down properly. It can eat all it wants but it won't be getting anything from it.

Feeding the scraps from the table will just continue to re-enforce that it can beg, and jump up to eat the food off your plate. It thinks that its his food too, and why not if he always gets his share? I don't think its cruel to not give a dog scraps; the most important thing is he is getting all of the proper things he needs first. Scraps are a treat, think of them as doggie dessert haha. He will learn to eat his food, and that your food is yours.

After he's got this down, and the begging has subsided if you really want to give him scraps save them from your meal and mix them in with his food in the morning. Or feed him after you are done eating and mix them in with that. But if you mix them into his own kibble he's going to associate the scraps with his dinner, and not begging to get them from yours.
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It has been my experience that when you change a dogs normal food by will get the runs. If the dog gets hungry enough he will eat what is given to him. Be firm about the table scraps and don't offer anything but his food and he will eat.
the table scraps are the problem and right now he KNOWS if he doesnt eat he gets all the yummy things you are eating.

1: NO TABLE cant behave and keep his paws and mouth to himself hes not allowed around the table/lap at meal times, he goes into a crate or seperate room while you eat and can come out once the table is clear.

want to give him treats during th day thats fine...but they need to be dog treats (meat based) and he needs to EARN them...he wants a treat he sits for it, asks for it does a trick ect...nothing should be free for this dog...hes training yo right now and you guys need to take back control...

2: get him on a personally im a free feeder, its what works best for my dogs...
but you have a SPOILT dog on your hands..hes not a picky eater, he just knows he can get yummier food...think about it...momma puts a plate of broccolie and a plate of choclate cake infront of you...tells you you can have the cake even if you dont eat the broccoli...what ya gonna do?!
instead give him the oportunity to eat, fod goes in the bowl AS gravy, no treats no "fixins" he doesnt need them...
leave it down for 15-20 mins...if he doesnt eat it, pick it up...give him a chance to eat it again later...again if he doesnt eat, pick it up...and he gets NOTHING else other than water or treats he EARNS...
a healthy dog will not starve itself and a normal adult dog isnt at risk form is NORMAL and perfectly healthy for a dog to go a couple of days ithout food, it wont do him ANY harm to skip a few meals...
repeat this untill he decided hes going to eat it...and continue this...
if he doesnt eat he doesnt eat...hes not going to keep over and die if he misses a meal...

and stick to the treats are earnt method...
look into Nothing in life is free method of dog training.

when the free treats stop and he realizes "this is hat im getting" the behaviour will stop too...
right now itll be imposible to chang the behaviour o matter what food brand you put him on as long as hes still getting scraps.

can you change brands, absolutly...
but is it worth it right now? probably not, hes not "not eating" because he desnt like his food...hes "Not eating" because he knows youll give him something "naughty" if he doesnt...

dont like being called "cruel" for not giving your dog scraps?!
get used to it...
there will be MANY people in life who call you names, think your this that and the other simply because you dont have the same belifs, preferences eye color ect as is the nature of life...
what you can be sure of though is by encouraging him to eat a good food thats well balanced and designed for him your doing right by his health...but cutting out the table scraps your doing right by his health, human food is loaded with salt, flamorvings artificial preservatives hormones steroids ect...its NOT good for the dog plain and simple.
many of the things we humans eat on a regular basis (salt, garlic, onions, chocolate, caffine, ect) are bad (and potentially dangerous) for dogs...its not cruel to make him eat his food, not cruel to keep the scraps away from him and not cruel to mae him earn his treats...
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right now we have this sorted when i decide to change his food which food do use think is better? i cant decide because i feel they are in the same catergory, James Welbeloved or Burns?
It isn't cruel, he won't starve if you stop with the scraps and just offer the food you want him to eat. You should also REALLY start on some obedience training and house manners. A dog should not be jumping up to steal food. Reward good behavior.
Stop feeding him table scraps or it won't matter what dogfood you feed him, he'll be too full to eat it. Pick a food and stick with it. If he jumps during meal time then lock him up.

You are supposed to be training the dog, not the other way around.
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