how can i get rid of coyotes

Interesting article but I think there is a difference in a carnivore that has to constantly hunt for food to survive and sheep that can choose between grape leaves or a whole pasture of other weeds and grass to munch on. Wild carnivores have to be opprotunists and eat whatever they can whenever they can. It could be a long time between meals and if you have a pen full of tasty birds, I think it would be too much for them to pass up even if the last bird gave them a tummy ache. Another thought would be that you could be out of birds by the time you trained them by tainting the dead birds with the chemical.
As repulsive and vulgar as it may sound to some people, Humane urine is the best deterant there is to fox & coyote. Second best would be Human hair clippings.

I have been doing that literally. Does not work against all critters and if you got neighbors you gotta be sneaky or nocturnal. Oppossums seem attracted. Dog urine, from a large heathly dog might be suitable for coyotes but I have not read that even wolf urine repells coyotes, especially if coyotes know no real threat exists.
Taint live ones. Spray it on feathers. Apply it to expendible bird and place it where coyotes will catch it first.

Are you comfortable with spraying chemicals on your birds and hoping that will be the bird or birds that the coyotes catch???? How do you know it wouldn't transfer into the eggs or meat and actually be harmful to you? What do you consider and "expendible" bird to sacrafice to predators??? That seems extremely cruel to me. The bird would be in complete terror as she was tied out for something to come by and attack.

I think I am much more comfortable with trapping or taking a predator out in a humane way than to sacrafice any of my animals for an experimental cause. Treating plant leaves and sacraficing "expendable" birds are two totally different things. It is beyond cruel in my opinion.
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i do live in a rural area and have had chickens and birds here for 20 years and nothing like this .. like i say i have not seen the coyotes but i can here them at night and i have one neighbor says that thay got his chickens . what ever it is comes real close to my house . i have ben wating for it to come back i have something for it ....

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