How can I help them stay cool in a hot climate?

Cathy Carr

In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2018
Wide Bay, Queensland, Australia
Hello everyone. I live in a hot climate with most days around 32 to 35 C (about 92 to 96f) for three quarters of the year. I just have the 3 Orpingtons girls. There is a large tree which gives them some shade from the sun. They can go back in the coop for shade. There is at least one section of their enclosure in shade at all times of the day. But the actual air temp today for instance is 34C (93f). Is there anything I can do to cool them down during the worst of the middle of day heat? I have their waterer packed with ice to keep their water cool. Any other advice?
Get a shallow kids pool. Put several inches of water in it. Add a couple of frozen gallon bottles of water and let them was in it. Use once a day in the hot afternoon.
Find one of their dusting holes. Hopefully in the shade . take another gallon of frozen water. Bury it in the bottom of the hole and lay a towel over it. Let the birds nest on it.
Don't feed corn, it raises their metabolism.
I have not done this so can't comment on any success with it. It is said on the net one can freeze fruit like cantaloupe or bananas , chop fine and feed to the birds. Any seeds in any Frozen fruit should be removed before feeding.. Coolness,
Karen can add apple cider vinegar to their water once or twice a week
2.Give them mud holes. While it may make them dirty they will enjoy it and keep them cool!
3. Give them lots of fruits and veggies. Just make sure that they can have them before feeding can add apple cider vinegar to their water once or twice a week
2.Give them mud holes. While it may make them dirty they will enjoy it and keep them cool!
3. Give them lots of fruits and veggies. Just make sure that they can have them before feeding
You shouldn't need to dig holes for your chickens, they have no problem doing it themselves.

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