How can I ship or fly with my hens interisland in Hawaii when I have to move?

Chicky Babies

10 Years
Jun 1, 2014
Hello everyone!

I am looking at moving from Oahu to the Big Island in the next several months. I would like to take my hens with me and am trying to figure out how to do that.

It looks like Hawaiian Airlines will not allow people to fly with them as a checked pet because they don't consider chickens as pets. "Household birds covers types of birds people keep as pets. Chickens, roosters, fighting chickens or any live poultry, including day-old chicks or hatching eggs, are NOT considered household birds and cannot be accepted for transport."

So, if I used Hawaiian, I would have to ship them as Air Cargo, and the cheapest is $70 each. Ouch. rate contract.pdf?version=a2fe&sc_lang=en

Island Air looks like they will ship chickens in the cargo area when you fly with them, maybe... $35 each.

Has anyone had any experience with moving their flock? I have heard that USPS might do it, but if it ends up being super expensive, then I will probably take the ones I raised by hand and rehome the others, but I would rather not... I love them all! Also, if you have done it, I'd love to know how your chickens handled it... Were the shippers rough on them?

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I'm thinking USPS may be the best bet. It won't be 70 per bird. You can go online and give the origination and destination zip codes plus there is a place to enter that they are live birds and you can get a quote.

You'll have to get approved bird shipping boxes. I think there are 2 companies that make them. Go on E-bay to find them. Horizon is one but there is a less expensive one.

How many birds are you talking about?

How about by boat? Don't people sail between the islands?
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There are 7 hens, and they are all smallish bantams. I think there might be a couple ferries that exist, but none between Oahu and the Big Island. Most people fly to travel island to island.

I'll look into shipping them through the mail... They get along well with each other, so I wouldn't be worried about shipping them together if that's possible. But it's starting to get warmer too, so I guess doing it sooner rather than later might be good if I can figure out how to do that. The post offices I'm familiar with have air conditioning, but I don't know about elsewhere... Many schools don't so I wouldn't be too confident that all the post offices do.
The state I live in...Texas..requires you to have a license in order to ship any birds...
Does your state not required one?
If you wanted to import a bird (or any animal) into Hawaii, there are tons of regulations. However, I haven't seen anything about interisland bird or chicken travel... So while I am not sure, I haven't yet found something that says that I need a license. Is your license required for in-state shipping too?
Hi, I live on Oahu and have a pet rooster who has done a good bit of world travel. :) to the best of my knowledge there are no issues interisland - you just have to find an airline that will carry them. Good luck! I hope to move over too one day.,.
I used USPS . I moved interisland and was able to mail my mature duck + drake,6 goslings and 15 chicks. There are limits to how many per box . I preordered my usps approved boxes from some online supplier . I payed about $150 (including the cost of boxes) . I sent 3 large usps approved bird boxes. They all made it to Big Island safely . Now I have a new generation of 23 marans x Bielefelder crosses and 5 Appleyard ducklings. Good luck on your move.
I live on the Big Island, and I'm trying to buy 3 Malays from Virginia that are about 20 weeks old.

The Department of Agriculture's rules require them to be shipped by air, and not by the USPS.

Delta told me that they only fly day old chicks, United doesn't have anyone to deal with chickens at the Charlottesville airport, and those are the only two airlines that I ever heard of flying animals to Hawaii...

The Department of Agriculture was very helpful about getting me the rules, and sent a bunch of formats till one worked with my phone; but they haven't answered back about an airline that could help me...

Has anyone here had experience with shipping grown chickens to the islands lately?
Exactly what I was thinking. Use a boat to move. Not a friends boat but actual ferry type system of interisland travel. There must be some sort of water travel system between islands.

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