How can I tell if a chicken egg has stopped developing?


6 Years
May 17, 2013
I have very minimal experience in hatching chickens (this is my 3rd time to try and my first 2 times I only had unfertilized eggs or ones that didn't make it to day 5) I started with 15 eggs that I am attempting to hatch in my 1st grade classroom as an extension to our oviparous animals and life cycles units. The eggs are in an incubator with an automatic egg turner. I candled the eggs on day 7 using a LED flashlight that gives off 200 lumens. I was able to clearly see that 2 of the eggs were infertile and 2 others had stopped developing (a clear blood line around the circumference of the egg). On the other 11 we could see the blood vessels and a shadow with a prominent black dot (the eye) moving in the egg. It is now day 12 and all seems to be well however, my incubator is smelling pretty foul. Do the developing eggs normally smell? One of the eggs that stopped developing was unclear at day 7, so I left it until day 10. At that point I could tell that it was not alive, so I removed it from the incubator. Would that egg be the cause of the smell, and if so will the smell from it never go away? I have only been able to find what an egg looks like at very early stages when it stops developing. Can the eggs stop developing at any point in the incubation period? How would I know if this has occurred? I welcome any suggestions and advice! Thanks!
My eggs have not smelled at all - even when I've had some that stopped I think that's not a good sign.

Yes, they can quit at any time...

I think I would place the eggs in a carton and close up the bator. Get away from the smell of the bator and give each egg a good sniff test. Then I would candle them in a very dark room (I close myself in the bathroom) and look for movement. Except in a very dark egg, I see movement almost every time. Give the egg a gentle tap with your nail and they usually respond..,
Thanks for the info. This is the first time that I have encountered any of my "bad" eggs smelling as well (LIke I said before, my 1st 2 tries on hatching I only got "bad" eggs and none of them smelled at all) I have decided to try your suggestion and see if I can't locate another egg that, sadly, has not made it. Other than no movement, is there any other signs that would indicate the egg has stopped developing? Maybe a change in color or the way the liquid inside moves? I am afraid that they may all smell that way because they have been in there with the bad egg and just may not be moving at the time I look. I don't want to take out a live egg. Does a developing egg have any smell that would indicate it is still good? Thanks for your help! I truly appreciate it!
My eggs smell just like they did when I received them..a faint "chicken coop" smell.

I would candle each day and watch for changes in the egg. What day are you on now?

Is your incubator getting enough air circulation?
Also trying to tell which of my eggs are still alive. No smell yet on day 9, but have not weened any out. Some do have a yoke that appears to float. Because I am unexperienced I don't know what to do.
At day nine you should be able to see an eye spot and veining if the egg isn't too dark. The yolk will move a bit but will have changed in shape. Perhaps try looking for 9 day candling pics?
My eggs smell just like they did when I received them..a faint "chicken coop" smell.

I would candle each day and watch for changes in the egg. What day are you on now?

Is your incubator getting enough air circulation?
I am on day 13 right now. I have a LG still air incubator so I don't know if it is enough air circulation or not. I did not take out any of the plugs, since it is in a newer school building the air quality is really good and constantly maintained. I was planning on removing the plugs in a couple days as they get closer to hatch time. Should I remove them now? Or not at all? I also don't have a way to measure the humidity level so I am going out to get a hygrometer now so that I can know what the humidity is. I have been reading threads all morning so I have really started getting concerned about "exploding eggs". I'll see if I can get any pictures or videos once I check them. Thanks again for your help!
Ok, I think that I have found the culprit. I went back to the incubator and went through each egg. I first smelled it and then candled it. I also took a still picture and a video of each egg. I found one egg that looked nothing like the others. It was completely dark inside and I couldn't see a thing. It also had a stronger smell than any of the other eggs. I ended up removing it because I figured with 10 others that all look/smell relatively identical, there must be something wrong with this one. I am including a photo and video of each egg with my prediction (sorry if it makes my post really long) so that any candling experts can analyze my eggs and let me know how it looks to them. I could be wrong, but it really looked like I had movement in all the ones that were left. Again, these are all taken at day 13 of hatching chickens. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and replies!

First I am posting the ones I knew to not have developed/stopped developing.

#1: Unfertilized (removed at day 7)

#2: Blood Ring (removed at day 10)

#7:Unfertilized (removed at day 7)

#10: Blood Ring (removed at day 7)

Now here are the ones that I believe are still growing.


#3: Video


#4: Video






#8:Video 1
#8:Video 2


#9: Video


#12: Video







Now here are the photos of egg #11 which is the egg that I removed today because I couldn't see in it or anything moving and it smelled pretty bad.


Let me know what you think! Thanks!
Anything with a shodow moving is sure sign of LIFE!!!! Loved watching your videos, the camera picked up on the movement pretty good. Impressed! I'd be proud if I were you. Don't worry about the dud. That happens. So these eggs were all ducks? So does that mean the shells are all white?? I could see a few pores, but again, the movement was great.

And where you using a proper candling light, or ordinary LED flashlight? Just wondering, because I'm having such a hard time decifering some of mine on day 11 now, some are 'brown' chicken eggs, and I oh so wish I could see movement.

One egg today I could finally see it dancing around. LOVE. But one out of 24. Not so good.

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