How creeped out should I be by our bananas right now?

Bugs are everywhere, but we do need to worry about invasive foreign types. Fire ants supposedly came here in a potted plant, and they've been devastating to native animals as well as people. Pesticides are useful, but can be dangerous. Moderation. Accept the bugs we can, squirt the ones we can't.
Oh, I don't mind bugs at all. Trust me, I am a bug freak.
However, I KNOW these can't be at all native. My hubby tried to convince me they could have got on there AFTER they were in the US. However, in order for them to be ready to hatch it had to be there far longer than bananas can sit before being sold. That tells me these HAVE to be from Costa Rica, which frightens me. Depending on how many were in that shipment, these could get a good start here, now.
I think they are called Black and Yellow Argiope (sp?). They are beautiful! Kind of look like some of them have a black skull on their backs.

will be checking my bananas from now on...
I love spiders, wuold NEVER kill one, but the thought of little tiny group of them..( shutter) I am itchy all over. I used to have 2 tarantulas...Amber and Harry. I loved them. Weird but the bigger the spider the better I am with them.
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eww that would gross me out

I couldn't work out how I had earwigs on my kitchen counter... they were coming from a bag of apples I bought!
I ran into something simular with bananas too about 3 years ago. I got home to find spiders in the banana at the top where they were connected. I grow my own now with dwarf banana trees.

I'm just tired of not knowing where our food is coming from and if it is safe anymore. Just think about the tomatoes here recently. I grow my own and don't have to worry about salminila poisoning from them.
I went to get bananas today for my mom and I searched them high and low before sticking them in the bag! EWWWW!! I don't mind bugs, but seeing THAT would freak me out!

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