How did you come up with your screen name?

When I moved to the Harrisburg metro area in 1983, I met Gene at a weekly volleyball game. He gave nicknames to everyone that came to play. For whatever reason I became "unclejoe". In 85, I met Mike in a completely different circle of friends. He had this habit of calling his guy friends "dad" and his girl friends "mom". One day he called me dad ( I'm 4 years older) but then stopped, thought for a moment, and said " no, your not a dad". After a few seconds he decided, "you're more like an uncle". Unclejoe. Since it came from 2 separate circles it started spreading throughout most aspects of my life. So I'm now unclejoe in just about everything I do. I was in a small acoustic band through most of the 80's and early 90's and guess what our name was? UncleJoe'sBand.
Well I have two pygmy goats and I decided to take them on walks around our neighborhood so.... lol.. Im the "goat walker" of the neighborhood.
When our Sebright bantams started to get old enough to... well you know what chickens do..... I named them Mr and Mrs. Chicken, to somewhat explain their behavior to our two sons. My wife thought it was cute so it stuck!

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