How did you come up with your screen name?

I was aked this very question on my debut thread. So here's a cut&paste of my response then.

" Buff Hooligans wrote:

Gday, welcome to you and your chickens. Tell us how you came up with your screen-name. is our blog (lack of posting due to other projects). The name comes from a mix of mathmatical influences. I am a musician, and an audio engineer. So harmonics apply. The 12th fret harmonic is a favorite with guitarists. My partner has a thing for astrology. Not that love sign nonsense. The more in depth observance of the sun and planets.

So harmonics all around.
Math is the language nature uses to explain itself to us.

Clear as Mud?"

w00t! BYC!
Mine seems to fit pretty well with all my activities, work, family and critter obligations!
Not much of a story with mine. When I was a teenager weighing less than 100 pounds, someone called me stump. I added the Y and, unfortunately, it fits me more now as I am neither tall nor slim
Mine's pretty simple too, I’m a girl from Portage County Ohio! I returned here to care for my 90 year old father and moving back to the house I grew up in where we had chickens made me want to have the little cluckers fussing around the yard again, so here I am at BYC too. [edit - though I'm way too old to be a girl, moving here makes me feel like one again]

I read this whole thread, and enjoyed all the stories and also, enjoyed seeing who posted way back at the beginning of the thread, and who’s screen names are still seen in various posts. Lots of continuity here, the sign of a vital forum!

I especially loved the references to kilts and those who wear them. Someday I hope to find a ‘Real Man’ >.> because:

I saw Utilikilts in Seattle WAY back when they were being made on a super small scale by just a few people and fell in love with them and those brave enough to wear them then. I may be of Polish heritage, but I also love traditional Celtic music, and yes, I say Celtic properly, not like the B-ball team.

It takes just the right combination of guts, (gotta have em), ego, (not TOO much, but just enough) and looks, (need not be GREAT, but must be in shape) to wear a kilt well. All just my opinion of course, but till I find me a man in a kilt, I’ll just keep muddling along on my own.
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we went to the state fair and my husband said we should get a couple of chickens. the house we bought has a big coop already that we used as a wood shed. well i found a lady selling some chickens, laying hens, a couple roosters and she had 28 "pullets" about two months old. i tried to buy six. couple laying hens and some pullets. NO ROOSTERS my husband made very clear. well she would only sell the whole group as one, would not split them up. so home i came with 42! roosters (three pullets that were roos) and all
. then i found this site and all this info and thought to myself "what was i thinking......."
Mine was because when the chicks ( all 53 of them) arrived they got away from me in the house! Not so hard for you younger people but I've got a bumb knee and the roundup was a circus.
There was already a peeperkeeper registered and I didn't know it until after I had registered using higher case K and P in the name.
Sorry to whom ever had it first.

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