How did you come up with your screen name?

Tio is the spanish word for uncle, but for me, Tio is a really cool charicter in a RPG I like. So yeah.
Uhm...cuz I do the dishes, laundry, housework, cooking, chaufferring, farming (I think you get the pic lol) I pretty much do it all. Not as eggciting as it sounds huh? Hehe!
My now almost 2 year old was not quite a year when we got our first chicks last year. She called them bock bocks and we got them 2008!!!!

Wow bock_bock. Great minds think alike
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well let's see...I am a teacher and I graduated from Texas A&M in Aggies get a little attached to our graduation year...WHOOP!!
A girl scout song we used to sing ended with TOAST. My daughters name is mary. She used it for a while then I picked it up. She still laughs when she see's Marytoast. My name is actually Tracy.
Three reasons I have this screen name:

1)The expression "Horsefeathers!" usually means something like "nonsense!" But certain breeds of draft horses actually do have "feathering" around their hooves, so I take it to mean anything's possible.
2) It reminds me of Pegasus.
3) It has horses and feathers (like chicken feathers) in it, both things I love!

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