How did your chickens get there names :) *With Pictures of mine*

We have 40 chickens and not all of them are named - yet! LOL We have "Easter" & "Bunny" (our two EE gals). We used to have a third named "Peepers", but she was killed by some unknown predator this past summer.

This is "Snow Leopard" - named by our (now) 8yr old son who saw an Army tank by the same name... She's by far our favorite out of our whole flock! Follows me around like a lost puppy.


.. and this is "Ms. Fussy Britches" - 'cuz she fusses all the time!

... and this is our "Bleu" - he's an Iowa Blue roo

... and this is "Henry" - he was supposed to be a "Henrietta"! LOL
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Ahhh adorable.
all of mine are named,minus my 6 babies.
my 2 girls are called Lily and Izzy
and my 2 roos are called Bee and Bella.
tho I'm having to lose Bella, as he has been attacking and its getting worse as he tried to kick me twice this mornin
the other roo is fine.
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Foggy is a leghorn so naturally he was named Foghorn. Irene is a RIR and I just like the name. Sir is a GLW and that was what I called him when I got him. "Yes sir, you are going home with me," and it stuck. Little red is a RIR roo who was just small when we got him. Big momma is just fluffy. Sylvia is a SLW. Deli, we thought she was a Delaware when we got her. Twin GLW pullets Cagney and Lacey. Lucky and Lefty Frizzle. Goldie and Buffy my BOs. Then there is Naked Neck who is a Maran that has lost all the feathers on his neck. Raven a black EE that looks like a crow. Finally there is Marlon Wyandotte, SLW, may he rest in peace. I lost him Friday, 9/15/11,
morning between 3 and 5. The rest of them have not been named yet but as we see what their personalities are we will be naming them.
Big Momma and Little Red

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enjoyin' my chickens :

Foggy is a leghorn so naturally he was named Foghorn. Irene is a RIR and I just like the name. Sir is a GLW and that was what I called him when I got him. "Yes sir, you are going home with me," and it stuck. Little red is a RIR roo who was just small when we got him. Big momma is just fluffy. Sylvia is a SLW. Deli, we thought she was a Delaware when we got her. Twin GLW pullets Cagney and Lacey. Lucky and Lefty Frizzle. Goldie and Buffy my BOs. Then there is Naked Neck who is a Maran that has lost all the feathers on his neck. Finally there is Marlon Wyandotte, SLW, may he rest in peace. I lost him Friday, 9/15/11,
morning between 3 and 5. The rest of them have not been named yet but as we see what their personalities are we will be naming them.

they sound very cute
Hi! I had a Silver Spangled Hamburg roo named Sherlock. He had been the 'free exotic" in a group of 50 broilers that my friend had, and she gave him to me (my first chicken!).

Since he was a 'mystery bird', I named him "Marple" at first, after Ms. Marple, a character in one of my favorite Agatha Christy mystery books. When he crowed, we changed his name to Sherlock, after Sherlock Holmes of course! We couldn't figure out his breed until he was about a year old...

Since he was the only chicken in a flock of ducks, the same friend gave me an orphaned guinea fowl to keep him company. As a baby, I decided it look like the bird from the movie UP, and the guinea became Kevin.

They were killed by an owl a few months ago, I'm sorry to say... I wish I could figure out how to post pics! They were a hilarous pair!

Also, I have a bantam Brahma named Kurano, after an anime character that turns into a chicken.....
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Well we have:

Millie-shes a mille fleur d'uccle thus the name
Lily-an EE, no rhyme or reason for the name
Nugget- BO roo, thought he would be culled but never did
Phineas- phoenix roo. Came with the name
Cherry- blue andalusian my daughter named
The twisted sisters Thelma & Louise-barred rocks-crazy girls!
Henny & Penny- RIRs, popular chicken names
Mae- White jersey giant-formerly known as Bob before we realized it was a hen
Hansel-white rock- part of a pair but gretel died

Theres our reasoning. I love old lady names, and names like Tammy, loretta, marilyn, etc.

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