How did your garden do this year?

Blue Rooster

5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
Another successful gardening year.
Like always our tomato plants always do great.
The bush beans, pole beans, cucumbers, and peppers also did good this year.
The only thing that didn't do so good is the potatoes and lettuce.

How was your gardening year?

It was hot here this year and the greenhouse suffered a lot. I didn't get a 1/4 of last years crop across all my plants... Oh well live and learn all clue into the signs of heat stress sooner next time. I didn't have the time to process the ridiculous amount of tomatoes I got last year( 400lbs) so it was for the best that I had less. I do wish I had more squash though.




I shouldn't complain though... I got a lot of salsa out of the garden, if I don't give too much away it will take us to next season :)
It was hot here this year and the greenhouse suffered a lot. I didn't get a 1/4 of last years crop across all my plants... Oh well live and learn all clue into the signs of heat stress sooner next time. I didn't have the time to process the ridiculous amount of tomatoes I got last year( 400lbs) so it was for the best that I had less. I do wish I had more squash though.

I shouldn't complain though... I got a lot of salsa out of the garden, if I don't give too much away it will take us to next season

Yes, we always get loads of tomatoes. More than we know what to do with.
We had our first killing frost last night. I was out grabbing stuff out of the garden all afternoon. Didn't get to the tomatoes in the green house, which was fully vented on the sides. Hope they survived the night. Had cut a lot of aromatics, which had to be left out. Hoping the frost didn't do too much damage re: their future use. I had one volunteer squash that was an apparent hybrid between last year's Red Kuri and the mammoth buttercup from seeds salvaged from a neighbor's garden. It produced a nice bright orange buttercup style fruit. The largest must weigh about 20#. If the fruit quality is good, I have a winner. I cooked one massive orange beet for supper, it fed the 4 of us with 1 - 2 servings left over. Corn crop was awesome. got 2 large ears on almost every plant, which was planted at 1' spacing including row spacing. No worms. Tomatoes not so good. Potatoes, small but very solid. Mice or voles wiped out my entire carrot crop, as well as doing damage to the beets. My biggest problem is that I don't get out to harvest everything in a timely fashion, so if the plants set seeds, that cuts future production. But, I have an awesome crop of Fortex (pole beans) Suyo Long (cucumber) and Zucchini seeds for next year.
Terrible!! 34 degree this morning i think it's done:hit Instead of corn on the cob i got corn on the crap.
:lau My "pop corn" faired no better.... And it almost popped a hole through the greenhouse roof! That must be why its called pop corn. Like lazy Gardner I got a lot of seed though. Left the peas in place we will see what comes of it. I had volunteer tomatoes and beans that did well so we will see how it goes with the peas and spicy musclen self seeding. And of corse sense the -7 that killed everything the weathers been fair....arg.

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