How do chickens react on gloomy days?


Aug 27, 2022
Hi please can anyone tell me if or how gloomy skys affect chicken behaviour? Google's no help! It's been nothing but rain and wind here for days and today the sky is grey and it's almost like dusk. I wondered if chickens think it's almost night and put themselves to roost.
Welcome to Pacific Northwest weather.

The birds really don't care. They'll go to bed earlier because the gloom makes it darker earlier, but other than that it really doesn't affect anything.
I've had chickens out foraging in the lulls between rain bands of tropical storms and hurricanes.

Sometimes they go out into the weather, sometimes they don't. I give them the option and figure that they know how to be chickens better than I know how to be a chicken. ;)
My chickens are stupid and no matter the weather are out and about. In the rain, they get soaked and muddy. In the snow they get frost bite (wont even walk on the trails i make for 'em). It's very frustrating but thats what they choose to do so... :confused:

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