How do I clean her

Update and still need help. Bella is not better at all. Every time I go and spend time with her, she is on her back and feet in air :( My little one likes to check on her, he knows she is sick and just wants to help like mommy does. I replace her near water and food. This morning I gave her scrambled eggs and treats, she ate. My question is how long can this last? It breaks my heart and will be here for her to the end. Wow, didn't know having hens would be sooo attaching as heartbreaking..Thank you BYC for all the knowledge I am given...Nicole
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Put her in a box with towels to support her on each side so she doesn't flip on her back. I am not sure why she gets on her back. Does she appear to be seizing?
I think she is trying to move..I do put towels. She is moving and I guess paralyzed in legs and rolls over. I dont know. Went in to see her..sipping water..she trying. We talked of putting out of suffering. Not sure of that. Just wanted an idea how long this could go on? Any hope of recovery?
Its hard to say, depends on whats really going on with her. Does she eat or drink on her own?
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Yes :) she just ate up a bunch and is drinking on her own. As I see it, as long as she can and drink by herself. There is no reason to give up just yet. New to having a sick chicken, so no idea how long one could be in such a state. Tomorrow a new day and will hope for best.

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