How do I clean her

You might want to use towels for bedding, 'cause the tile in your shower will suck all of the heat out of her. I don't bathe my sick chickens, it's way too stressful on them, just get some poultry dust and dust her, then keep her as warm as possible - I keep my sick bay at 80-85 degrees.

If you see small blackish dots moving it could be mites as well. They leave a dirty looking mildew color look to the feathers and are about as big as a pepper flake. Lice are flat straw color creatures that are bigger and they don't have that mildew color look. You can see lice as well and are bigger than mites. I can't clearly see the picture but I would check for mites as well. How long since you last wormed her?
When using sevin dust, avoid the hens eyes and nostrils. Sevin wont hurt your dog, I've used it to dust my dogs years ago.
It's up to you whether or not you want to remove bedding or not. I prefer to put a pile of sevin dust at the entrance to the hen house and hit it full blast with the leaf blower. The dust gets in every little crack and crevice, it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to settle. Make sure there arnt any birds inside and wear a mask and old chicken clothes/shoes if you decide to do this.

That looks like lice in the photos (no need to worry, fowl lice don't spread to humans). We've had several lice scenarios and what we do is first put baby oil on the lice's egg balls, wait a bit and then pull them off. Then we put aloe vera oil on the sensitive skin a couple times for the next few days. If you want, you could bathe your hen in warm water and wash her with puppy and kitten flea and tick shampoo (don't use dog and cat, it may be too strong). This will keep her lice-free for a good while. Hope she gets better!

HS Pye
Would that explain why she is sick..thought it was droppings..will do baby oil..thanks for the tip :) Might do bath too..have a spraying thing on bathroom sink..poor gal stuck in shower stall :(

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