How do I clean her

does anyo
As being a newbie and having lice on Mo the hen, I dusted her with Sevin. I plan on following your directions, Sevin is not dangerous for the hens? What about for my dog that likes to mix with them now and then?

I plan on removing all bedding from coop and run and dusting entire area with Sevin. Will this be sufficient?

does anyone know if the herb Lavendar is contra indicated for chickens. i use it extensively for clothing and hair it absolutely TOTALLY keeps lice away, fleas , etc
Probably no worries chx picking pecking Lavendar herb. I found the information by searching Lavender here on the backyard chickens website!

It won't sanitize your already lice infested area or birds, add it to their environment after the other protocols , IMO :)
by Mountain Peeps...

see you down at the herb garden store!!!
this is a great excuse to upgrade my windowsill plantings...
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