How do I dispose of raccoon if i trap one?

X2it don,t hurt going down coming back stinks I have been revived twice once from a swimming pool and once from the ocean neither time hurt asphyxiation does not hurt either I have lived through nitrogen freon and co2 electrocution is quiet painful though especially if you are just a little wet i think it is the involuntary convulsions that are the worst part.
Drowning is quick and humane,I have disposed many coons and found that shooting in a trap is dangerious and believe me,If you want a bloody mess to clean up,,,try shooting..drown the critter in a 50 gallon barrel,place it in a garbage bag and wait for the guys ,,usually early mornings.It don't have time to start smelling and its buried in the landfill,,,and hush-hush about it
The two methods that are about as for sure as you can get for dispatch are put a box over the trap outside in the driveway. Seal up the box with duct tape and run a flexible dryer hose from the tailpipe to a hole in the top of the box. Run for 30 mins. It's lights out and they don't now it. Proven method!! The other is using a firearm,depending on the laws in your area. The best type would be a rifle loaded with a high velocity 22 rounds. You will be able to stick the barrel through the cage and it will deliver enough energy to the animal to ethically kill it in the cage provided you shoot for the head. Draw an imaginary x from the ears to the eyes. Best I can do for a description here. YouTube has many videos on processing animals that go over this procedure.

Good luck
The two methods that are about as for sure as you can get for dispatch are put a box over the trap outside in the driveway. Seal up the box with duct tape and run a flexible dryer hose from the tailpipe to a hole in the top of the box. Run for 30 mins. It's lights out and they don't now it. Proven method!! The other is using a firearm,depending on the laws in your area. The best type would be a rifle loaded with a high velocity 22 rounds. You will be able to stick the barrel through the cage and it will deliver enough energy to the animal to ethically kill it in the cage provided you shoot for the head. Draw an imaginary x from the ears to the eyes. Best I can do for a description here. YouTube has many videos on processing animals that go over this procedure.

Good luck

the third method is throw a body grip trap over the critters head I use this frequently when working "intown" I use Belisle brand bodygrips
The two methods that are about as for sure as you can get for dispatch are put a box over the trap outside in the driveway. Seal up the box with duct tape and run a flexible dryer hose from the tailpipe to a hole in the top of the box. Run for 30 mins. It's lights out and they don't now it. Proven method!! The other is using a firearm,depending on the laws in your area. The best type would be a rifle loaded with a high velocity 22 rounds. You will be able to stick the barrel through the cage and it will deliver enough energy to the animal to ethically kill it in the cage provided you shoot for the head. Draw an imaginary x from the ears to the eyes. Best I can do for a description here. YouTube has many videos on processing animals that go over this procedure.

Good luck

the third method is throw a body grip trap over the critters head I use this frequently when working "intown" I use Belisle brand bodygrips

Yes, those type would work if initially caught in one. Most live box traps it's hard to get that thing in there to grab on to the animal unless you have a good method to get that in there.

I use those for Nutria. Which essentially is a giant rat but they look like a beaver with a rat tail. Those are a kill trap and you need to be extremely careful where they are placed. You put these down on the creek banks where we see the little mudslides where they come and go from at the water line.
the third method is throw a body grip trap over the critters head I use this frequently when working "intown" I use Belisle brand bodygrips

Yes, those type would work if initially caught in one. Most live box traps it's hard to get that thing in there to grab on to the animal unless you have a good method to get that in there.

I use those for Nutria. Which essentially is a giant rat but they look like a beaver with a rat tail. Those are a kill trap and you need to be extremely careful where they are placed. You put these down on the creek banks where we see the little mudslides where they come and go from at the water line.

I do ADC here in SE Virginia I catch quiet a few nutes for the golf courses and more then a few homeowners I had one helping with a cage trap I would shake the nute out and through the body grip all in one motion it works pretty good for me
Yes, those type would work if initially caught in one. Most live box traps it's hard to get that thing in there to grab on to the animal unless you have a good method to get that in there.

I use those for Nutria. Which essentially is a giant rat but they look like a beaver with a rat tail. Those are a kill trap and you need to be extremely careful where they are placed. You put these down on the creek banks where we see the little mudslides where they come and go from at the water line.

I do ADC here in SE Virginia I catch quiet a few nutes for the golf courses and more then a few homeowners I had one helping with a cage trap I would shake the nute out and through the body grip all in one motion it works pretty good for me

Yep, with two peep's I could see that working.
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I do ADC here in SE Virginia I catch quiet a few nutes for the golf courses and more then a few homeowners I had one helping with a cage trap I would shake the nute out and through the body grip all in one motion it works pretty good for me

Yep, with two peep's I could see that working.

I do it by myself I am good at what I do if someone who is not good at it helps me I could get hurt
no offens to the one trying to help but by my self is much better
look in the phone book/ask around if there is a coon hunting club in your vicinity. those guys will drive 75 miles, for a free live coon. i always made them to faithfully promise to give the coon a 45-60 second head start, and not shoot it, when the pups treed it. they use this as a training aid for young dogs, this is very, very popular around here, bunches of folks coon hunt [ rural mississippi ] i did this when i built a home in the woods, in 2005, and did not have a big dog at the time. i caught about a dozen, but, i had friends and co-workers that were big time coon hunters, so it was easy for me to get rid of them humanely.
Use a shovel. But at least 3 feet of dirt on top.
I hope you are joking about live burial. It is as bad as drowning. A slow terrifying death. I once used a sticky trap on a rat and thought I needed to drown it. Never again. No more sticky traps and never drowning an animal again. I didn't know rats could scream until that day.
While looking up how to dispose of a racoon I found that you can purchase a wildlife euthanasia chamber. Once the racoon is in a cage trap you put the animal in the chamber and slowly fill it with CO2. If done properly, the animal goes quietly unconscious and dies.

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