How do I get rid of house sparrows?

sparrows nest in the small spaces behind the bird stops of the tile roof bricks; it's on the third floor from the ground so it's not possible to plug them more. Unfortunately, the only practical remedy is plunk the most agressive with a pump BB-Gun. It's very inefficient; and that's good. There's no mass carnage going on here. They are such pests; brought here reduce pests originally. What a mistake that was.
We used to have sparrows here but no longer see them. They have been displaced by another introduced species the Indian Mynar bird.
For pests - I prefered the sparrows.
We have a fair number of sparrows here, being a certified wildlife habitat, but the never eat my chicken feed. The chicks get starter, the hens get layer pellets. The ducks are currently on starter/grower.

Are you putting scratch grains in the feeder? That will attract ALL wild birds in huge numbers.
On days off we stake out by a window watching the bird feeder and pick them off with pellet guns, its great practice, gives us free snake food, and the sparrows actually end up avoiding the feeder giving us a large amount of native birds. We have a robins nest back there now we're keeping the european starlings from attacking too.
Ditto what Ranchhand said about the scratch...cracked corn and millet are crack cocain to european weaver finches (house sparrows).

Please be very careful about tearing nests out of trees. Weaver finches are predominately cavity nesters while native sparrow species are all open cup nesters. Weaver finches will, at times, nest in somewhat open nests but is the exception rather than the rule.

I agree that the european weaver finch and the european starling (also a cavity nester and in direct competition with purple martins) are imported, nuisance birds and should be eliminated sure that you identify your target species before proceeding with extermination.

Someone mentioned that it seemed that the sparrow numbers are increasing...I'm sure they are if no prevention/elimination program is in place. They breed like mice and have earned the nickname of "flying mice"....starlings are referred to as "flying rats".

Keep this in mind Sparrow Trappers:

Adult HOSPs and Starlings, both invasive species, are the only Native North American birds that carry and transmit Salmonella Pullorum -

Salmonella Pullorum

Clinical signs of Pullorum Disease

Usually seen in chicks younger than 3 weeks old.
First indication is an excessive number of dead-in-shell chicks and deaths shortly after hatching.
Clinical signs variable and non-specific.
White diarrhoea, with pasting of the vent is often a feature.
Treatment and control

Antibiotic treatment not recommended as birds may become carriers.
Control is usually by testing and the removal of infected birds.

Pullorum disease is spread from infected parent birds via the egg to the chick. Infected chicks spread the disease laterally in the hatchery.

Also - there are countless ways to dispatch trapped birds humanely without resorting to cruelty: such as fire ants...
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Wait! Before you kill anything, check out the feeders on Youtube. I have been dealing with house sparrows, house finches, doves, pigeons, and Java finches for two years and had given up until I saw the feeder on Friday on youtube, my husband made one on Sat, and my chickens are already going on
on the wooden step to reach into the trough and eating from it and on their way to learning how to open and close the feeder themselves when they want a nibble without feeding the entire wild bird population of O`ahu. It will take a couple of weeks, but chickens are pretty smart. Already the wild birds are looking very confused. I have a bird feeder, which the wild ones also enjoyed and I will continue that, as I like birds, but once the chickens learn the trick, I can go to work and know they will have food all day, as well as free ranging around the yard. The next step is to get the chickens used to the movement of the step that opens the top of the trough, but they show you how on youtube.

There is one from New Zealand made in tin, rather expensive, but you'll see another or wood. That's what my husband used. Watch the New Zealand one for training the chicken information.
Are you sure that's a house sparrow nest up in your tree? They are cavity nesters. BTW, they are NOT a native bird. They are from Eu., and were the main reasons the bluebirds were in decline. Ditto for the "European " starling.
FYI, my backyard is certified throught the Nat'l Wildlife Fed. as a backyard wildlife habitat.

The wire for my chicken run is backed by screen mesh. The kind I used is meant for screen doors. It comes in 6 foot rolls, and is not too expensive. No birds or rodents can get into the chicken run to eat any food.

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