How do I get the word out we have eggs ready to sell?

I sell eggs here at my farm. Here's my road side sign. I'll be sitting there thinking my I need to move some eggs then all the sudden there gone. A lot of people tell me I've been by here but never stop. Whats weird is I'm on a busy HYWY & have been selling eggs for awhile & still don't have but one regular customer kinda strange. But the eggs never get old & I sell them so I can't gripe. I have 17 more pullets fixin to lay. I'll have more eggs to sell. I know my eggs are good I eat them everyday.People out this way are different maybe three dollars is too high I've only had one person tell me I'm too high. I can't afford & refuse to sell them cheaper. After all the coops I've built & my time caring for the birds they should be ten bucks a dozen. But thus far I've sold them good luck & keep at it.
I can tell you that bus drivers are hungry people. You give a dozen to a few and they will buy them!! I drove a bis for 10 years. I could sell sell sell!!
I ordered some signs to put on the windows of my vehicle. I also ordered some stickers to put on the top of our cartons that have our address in case someone wants to come back.

I plan on ordering some of the plastic see through cartons. I think the eggs look so beautiful in them. I really want the ones that are from "yester year" and are in the formation of 4 rows of 3 eggs instead of the common 2 rows of 6 eggs. I think just that little edge of standing out will make a difference.

Has anyone had luck with their customers returning their egg cartons? I'm thinking about putting a sticker on the cartons that say "return this carton for $.25 credit on your next purchase". What do you think? Would that work or do they just know to bring them back?

THANKS for all the help and suggestions. I really appreciate all of the wisdom shared on this site!!!

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