how do i help my ducks nose?

Yes, get nutritional yeast. I think its supposed to be 1 tsp mixed in with 1 cup of feed.

How old are your ducks? It's super important in ducklings up to about 4-5 months, after that its still a good idea, but not as super important.

I give my adult ducks chicken feed, but I put yeast over treats that I give them a couple of times a week and my birds all free range, so they get niacin from eating bugs. As ducklings, they got duckling specific food.
the black duck still hasnt started laying so she is my youngest! and for the drake i have no idea how old he is but he is sexually mature! i feel so bad i had no idea they needed niacin at all :( but i am learning and i dont wanna beat myself over this, nutritional yeast is super hard to find here but i ordered whatever i found for a big price but i hope it resolves the problem, can i feed either of them w a syringe? bc i also have other chickens that i dont want stealing all the treats, and do u know if chickens can have too much niacin? bc i might add some to the general feed, and thank u so much for helping u have no idea how much i appreciate it :( ❤️
the black duck still hasnt started laying so she is my youngest! and for the drake i have no idea how old he is but he is sexually mature! i feel so bad i had no idea they needed niacin at all :( but i am learning and i dont wanna beat myself over this, nutritional yeast is super hard to find here but i ordered whatever i found for a big price but i hope it resolves the problem, can i feed either of them w a syringe? bc i also have other chickens that i dont want stealing all the treats, and do u know if chickens can have too much niacin? bc i might add some to the general feed, and thank u so much for helping u have no idea how much i appreciate it :( ❤️
Niacin is one of those fun vitamins that gets flushed out with water, everyday. It's not bad for your chickens, unless they eat waaaay more than they should.
That beings said, I give my ducks duck treats after my chickens go to bed, because the ducks don't turn into zombies after dark. You probably don't need or want to add it to the general feed, you'll spend way more money than you need to. Just get a can of peas and sprinkle about a tbsp on top. Feed it to the ducks after dark. They'll take care of the rest (it'll take them 5-10 minutes to figure out that they like it). I do this a couple of times a week.
Yes, you can force feed them with a syringe. I don't recommend that unless you have literally no other choice. It's stressful for everyone, and there is a chance you'll make them breathe in what ever you're feeding them.
Also, feel free to dm me if you have other questions, I might not always respond right away, but I try to check in once a day.
BTW. :frow Welcome from New Orleans. It is so nice to meet new members. As you can see from @Maddcatter's answers, we have lots of friendly, knowledgeable people here, who are willing to help with whatever they can.
Now that you have your duck question answered, please join us in the fun and education. I think there are threads for duck owners, you may want to start there, although you are welcome everywhere. Great job with your duck, congratulations to you @rahaf and @Maddcatter for a job well done. :hugs
Niacin is one of those fun vitamins that gets flushed out with water, everyday. It's not bad for your chickens, unless they eat waaaay more than they should.
That beings said, I give my ducks duck treats after my chickens go to bed, because the ducks don't turn into zombies after dark. You probably don't need or want to add it to the general feed, you'll spend way more money than you need to. Just get a can of peas and sprinkle about a tbsp on top. Feed it to the ducks after dark. They'll take care of the rest (it'll take them 5-10 minutes to figure out that they like it). I do this a couple of times a week.
Yes, you can force feed them with a syringe. I don't recommend that unless you have literally no other choice. It's stressful for everyone, and there is a chance you'll make them breathe in what ever you're feeding them.
Also, feel free to dm me if you have other questions, I might not always respond right away, but I try to check in once a day.
ur so nice thank u sm!!! i got nutritional yeats today and we seperated her cuz she seems stressed from one of my chickens bullying her, ill try to dm u the rest then thank u so much for all the help!!
BTW. :frow Welcome from New Orleans. It is so nice to meet new members. As you can see from @Maddcatter's answers, we have lots of friendly, knowledgeable people here, who are willing to help with whatever they can.
Now that you have your duck question answered, please join us in the fun and education. I think there are threads for duck owners, you may want to start there, although you are welcome everywhere. Great job with your duck, congratulations to you @rahaf and @Maddcatter for a job well done. :hugs
thank u so much!! it feels so nice being around friendly experianced people! and yes i will def check it out :) and i hope u have a wonderful day!

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