how do I humanely kill a fox?

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If you look below the OP's avatar, it shows their location(which is Burgaw not Burger), it's actually is a google link you can click on to go to a map that shows where it is.
It's amazing, try it, you'll like it!! ;)

there is no need for sarcasm!!!
im a little confused as what they put and what there location stated was uk???? look below for the quote hence why i questioned the location.
i do not need to be told how to do these things

I'm kind of surprised nobody has mentioned this so I are spitting into the wind by killing one fox but not putting any kind of restraints on your hens' ability to roost where it is not safe. Now I know it is not easy to do this in every situation but you are defeating your own purpose by not figuring out how to force this hen to coop up with the others. There are lots of ideas on these forums about how to make your flock safer than they are now. I allowed my flock to free range during the day for years without trouble. Then one hen was killed by a hawk. I thought that was not too bad. Then another. And another. The same or similar species hawk got four of my favorite hens according to my game camera. I set out a camera to see what came through at night but had not thought of the daytime till my dog-like hen was killed. I finally woke up and built a fully enclosed and roofed run. I miss seeing them range but I don't miss walking outside and hearing silence, seeing no hens because they are hiding and finding that mangled body and pile of feathers. My personal conviction is that I owe it to the planet to be a good steward of the land and not kill those who are just trying to live. My responsibility is to make it harder for them to get an easy meal. I think you might have something of a similar belief since you do not want the fox to suffer. That is more than alot of people will feel about a predator. But please, think about how to keep your flock safe in the future. They WILL come back.
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