How do I make them go clucky

Chicken Charlotte

Out of the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Hey guys
I need some ideas on how to make my chicken go clucky I do not have a rooster but my friend said when they go broody she will give me 1 of her eggs because she has a rooster. But I need the eggs and I cant leave all the eggs in the nesting box because my mum gets angry its anoing. Is there any other way besides leaving all our eggs in the laying box untill she goes clucky????
You mean broody when you say "clucky"? You cant make a hen go broody/clucky. SOme have tried lockin a hen up for a couple days in a "brooder hut" but they end up quitting on their brood later on. You just have to wait! What age are your chickens? They dont go broody if they are too young either
What breeds of birds? Not all breeds will go broody and some are more likely to do it then others.

Even if you leave eggs that will not necessarily "make" one go broody. There is no way to really 'make' one go broody. They either do or don't. I have about 15 ladies in empty nests that I need to break from broodiness.

When you want them to go broody, they dont. When you dont want them to go broody, a bunch go broody! Thats why I just stick to my incubators! lol
Hey guys
um my chickens type of breeds are and they are about 10 or 11 months old that is 3 if them another one is about 6 months because she was about five weeks on christmas day and the other 2 are 7 months old and do you guys have any idea for something new I can put in my cage it is getting a bit boring it only has feeders and waters and a stair case up to a lege thingy then theres a pirch oh yes and 2 laying boxs do u guys have anything cool i could put in there and how much are halters for them or nappys??? do you have any idea???????

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