How do i start with dairy goats?


Jul 21, 2016
Southwest PA
My husband and I want to get some dairy goats. I have a pen with a shelter and plenty of room but I don't know how to go about this. Do I buy a goat already in milk or do I buy kids that will breed. I was thinking about Nigerian dwarf goats due to the high fat content. Does any one have any advice? Thanks!
What you get is up to you. Go to and order their catalog. It contains a wealth of information. If you go the agricultural extension office in your area they will have some bulletins meant for 4Hers. They are inexpensive and helpful. You might go onto and see what they have on books about dairy goats. I have found the Storey books to be helpful and they are not expensive. Contact the American Dairy Goat Association. I don't remember the PO box but they are in Spindale, NC 28160 and that ought to be close enough. Ask them to send you some literature.

If you buy a milking doe, taste the milk. Some goats give great tasting milk and some don't. Just don't try to have a single goat. Goats need a companion more than most other livestock.
I didn't mention that in the full size goats, Nubians produce milk with the highest fat content.
I've ALWAYS wanted goats!
Hope all goes well! xx
My husband and I want to get some dairy goats. I have a pen with a shelter and plenty of room but I don't know how to go about this. Do I buy a goat already in milk or do I buy kids that will breed. I was thinking about Nigerian dwarf goats due to the high fat content. Does any one have any advice? Thanks!
I am also planning to get goats. I have looked into Nigerian Dwarf Goats for a few reasons. As you have mentioned they have the highest butterfat content, ideal for cheese making, soaps and lotions. Their size is another consideration, housing and transporting for breeding and as needed vet visits and how much land you have to allow for each goat. The last reason I've leaned toward Nigerians is their personality. Regardless which breed you choose, I have mixed reviews on purchasing kids or does already in milk. Personally, I would like doelings, so I can have time to train them to work with me. Being new to goats I plan to take the time before breeding to get to know my goats. They aren't just farm animals, they are pets.

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