How do I tell if my eggs are fertile?


In the Brooder
Nov 30, 2018
I have some older birds and a bunch of younger ones who are about 10 months old. I also have a 10 month old rooster who started mounting the hens a while ago and ever since I saw him do that I'm afraid all my chickens eggs are fertile. :hmm Is there any way I can tell if they are fertile from the outside, I've tried candling but idk how to tell.
Incubate a few and follow the guide on this link. It shows what to expect in the first few days if they are fertile.

Not able to tell from the outside.
Of course if you eat your eggs, then you can see this.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,, and :welcome


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I also wonder why you're 'afraid they're fertile.' And if you have some reason you don't want to eat fertile eggs, then why did you keep a rooster? Most of us eat fertile eggs all the time. In fact, last year, one BYC member put a Walmart egg in her incubator and it hatched! As I said, most of us eat them whether we know it or not.
You won't be able to tell without looking at the yolk, a very tiny difference as you see in the photos in post #2.
Thanks everyone. I think I'd be afraid of eating a fertile egg because I'd feel like I was eating a baby chick. I'm sort of vegetarian lol.

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