how do they know?

holly ann

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 13, 2012
Gettysburg, PA
I have gotten my chicks from a farm feed store (locally owned...not a big chain). They say all the chicks are girls but they are about a week old. I even got one that still had its egg tooth. Can they really tell that young?
Sometimes even the small feed stores will get their chicks from a hatchery where the chicks are sexed, so it is possible. You could just ask them how they know.
It's not 100% accurate. They buy from hatcheries and the hatcheries sex the birds before shipping. It's usually a 80-90% turn out. I picked 1 or 2 boys from the pullet bin. I brought one back when I was 100% sure. The other chick I'm keeping regardless the sex. He/she is 7 weeks old and I'm still stumped.

My neighbor across the street picked a boy from the girl bin as well, from the same store. He'll exchange the chick at no additional cost.
Just figured out that they are wrong at least some of the time. Got a rooster. :( Wondering if I have one with my "babies" also. My husband like his rooster, so we are going to keep him unless he gets mean. Then he will become someone elses problem or dinner.
Good luck with your rooster.

My other chick looks like it will be a hen after all. I'm still not 100% sure though. They are at that bratty stage and chest bumping like crazy!

Someday we will have a boy! Now is not the right time for us.

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