How do we manage to get into these situations? Collected another "Slightly Damaged Stray"...

Em, you've let the world know I'm not Perry!
as if they didn't know
Terry, collect all the strays you can! It's well worth it!
Wanna bet WE wouldn't? This half of we would.

btw... where ya been?
Sick, and dealing with animals, and of course it's fall. I am always busy during fall. What about you? Besides picking up random horses?
Perry/Todd, if we collect anymore we're going to have to become a non profit. :rolleyes:

Not that we aren't now...I haven't seen a profit in so long I think we've sorta forgot what a "profit" looks like. :lol:
We already knew Todd...

Em, it's heartbreaking to see his hips so prominently...  Good luck with the gelding...

Blue, you and I have discussed it via email, so you know this, but truly the most heartbreaking thing was seeing those three fat mares just across the road. I can't imagine how horrible it was for him to have to stand there and starve while he watched those mares eat...
Perry, you're a great lawyer. I don't suppose you might have a pile of cash laying around anywhere do ya? Did I mention how good lookin you were? :p

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