How do you get ready for winter?

Probably don't even need to disconnect the hose, then.. or maybe just unscrew it at night. I don't take it off for good until it's consistently in the teens at night or not above freezing in the day.

I probably would do the same thing you do.... if I lived on my own.:hmm:lol: My dad likes to have the hose disconnected all winter..:th Oh well. Like I said, I have the energy!:jumpy
Just my observation, but when the BYC format was upgraded to current, many peeps I would regularly see, dropped out. I really noticed it on my State Thread. All those that were there regularly, just vanished at same time when everything went back on trak. Maybe Chris was one of those and did not purposely jump ship???

Hahaha! I would probably just spoil them and then they would have to go back to their below average living at your house(kind of like when I go to grandma's!):gig
Sometimes I wonder if my birds try and scratch flight plans to Florida in the ice. They really aren't fans of winter, lol.
Just my observation, but when the BYC format was upgraded to current, many peeps I would regularly see, dropped out. I really noticed it on my State Thread. All those that were there regularly, just vanished at same time when everything went back on trak. Maybe Chris was one of those and did not purposely jump ship???
There are folks who haven't been back since the platform change.
But Chris left long ago, purposely IIRC.
Chris09 was last seen: May 22, 2016
Most still do not realize that if your coop is set up properly, you do not need to do much of anything to prepare for winter…

When ambient temperatures dip into the 40s, I close the warm weather window; it is at roost level for those warm summer nights when the birds would welcome a breeze.

The weekend or so after Thanksgiving, I replace the deep litter with fresh pine shavings. This is the only change since last Thanksgiving.

That’s it…

My water heater and nest box heaters are on thermo cubes, powered and ready to go 365. I look forward to the first sub freezing night. That is just to be sure everything is still function as designed.

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