how do you get rid of telemarketers?

I once told the local newspaper telemarketer that I couldn't read just for laughs. It backfired, I started receiving the paper and got a bill. Guess they thought they could pull one over on an illiterate.
I say "No thank you, go on to your next call" and hang up.

I feel sorry for these folks, some times you can hear their kids fussing in the background, or get someone obviously having a difficult time learning how to read their script. You know these are just everyday folks trying to earn a few extra dollars for whatever reason, needing to do something to work from home. They're not the Big Bad Corporate Execs manufacturing or marketing the product, just the poorly-paid drones trying to get by.

Some people complain "Why do they always call at dinner time?" but just think, these callers are missing their own dinner time having to try & make a few sales by calling you. If you don't want your dinner time interrupted by the phone, just turn the ringer off while you're at the table.

But there's no need to be rude or harsh or mean to the people making the sales calls. They must have an awfully tough job. Just say "No thank you" and hang up.
I've used the Danny Diveto quote from Ruthless People when his character got a wrong number which I can't quote here. I'm sure this response raised a few eyebrows on the other side.

Though I've been without a lan line for about 8 years now, and I still give that number out when asked for anything I don't wanna get called for.

But I do get lots of door to door types. I usually play devils advocate with them, and ask more questions and harder questions than the pamphleteer can answer, even if I agree with the cause (most of em are political). If they can answer all my questions I'll sign their stuff even if I disagree. I haven't signed anything yet, they don't know what they're pushing other than the script they've been given.

I just tell the religious ones that if heaven means I gotta hang out with them for eternity than I'd take my chance with hell.
The best way to get rid of telemarketers is to have a last name with a "q" in the middle of it. If they can't pronounce your last name you just say "nobody here by that name" and hang up. Yep, buy yourself a last name with a "q", then you don't even have to lie to them.

This past week we got a call from someone at dinner time asking to talk to my husband, I assumed it was a telemarketers and said no you can't talk to him. He then heard his cell phone ring, and by the time he answered it, his doctor's office had hung up. When he tried to call back he found they had switched to afterhours and he couldn't talk to the person who called. My lesson: don't rudely hang up before you know who is calling.
ok this sounds extreme but it worked for me....

I had the same 5 companies calling me 3-8 times a day, it was so infuriating.

I started keeping a journal (mostly scraps of paper where I would right down the phone number and the time and date. After I had a few days worth I would call the phone numbers (this is the hard part cause some are not direct lines to anywhere) eventually I would get through to someone and ask to speak with the boss. Now what I would say was a lie but it worked every time.

"Hi my name is Susan and your company has been calling me non stop. I have spoken with my family attorneys and have been keeping a journal your company called me on 1/1/08 at 2:14, 1/1/08 at 4:24.... and so on. my attorney said that this constitutes harassment and I am going to have to take legal action if your company continues to keep calling me. May I please have your full name and position in your company for my files?

Well they would always stutter and after apologizing I would not hear from that particular company again. It took a few weeks but I got all of them and the calls stopped.

Good luck this is the only thing that I have found works, I had already tried all the gadgets and asking to be on the do not call list and all other options first.
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For the very BEST response to a telemarketer go to Google and search for 'How To Prank A Telemarketer' -- find the link that mentions Tom Mabe -- it is the work of a genius --
Enjoy your laugh for the day --

this may sound mean LoL But I've had some nasty ones call, so I just gave up and use an airhorn, I just put the end of it right on the receiver and press the button on top. Since I started doing that, I've had no problems with them calling back
Sorry I didn't read this whole thread but... the best way to get rid of a telemarketer is to try to sell them something.

telemarketer: "Hello sir/ma'am would you like to buy-"

you: "Oh hi I'm glad I caught you when I did, I'm selling 'insert product' and I was wondering if you'd like to buy 'insert number' of 'same product'."

telemarketer: *click*
We get that one all the time! We usually hang up, but once my mom asked what vehicle the warranty was for and they hung up on her. We're on the do not call list but we still get telemarketers calling us

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