How Do You Go on Vacation?

it depends honestly. sometimes we will have someone watch the farm. other times we will divvy up responsibilities among a few people. I will leave as much food and water as I can in the pens and have whoever is watching check it every couple days. Recently I was gone just overnight and had too many birds to leave locked up so I propped the door a small amount so the chickens can come and go but a coyote or dog cant really get in. obviously that isnt predator proof but their pen isnt predator proof to begin with so eh. If they can go in and out, they'll eat less food (because theyll eat more bugs) and can find water in a bunch of other places - (so many of our hoses leak) so they're less maintenance for whoever is keeping an eye on things.
I'm going to have to deal with this issue sometime this spring/summer when we go visit my in-laws. My chickens have never had anyone else but me take care of them. I'm hoping they remember me when I get back.

Anyone had that problem? Your flock not remembering who you are after an absence?

Unless you're gone for the entire spring and summer, I would expect the chickens to remember you pretty well. They may take a few days to go back to normal behavior with you, but probably not more than that.
I'm going to have to deal with this issue sometime this spring/summer when we go visit my in-laws. My chickens have never had anyone else but me take care of them. I'm hoping they remember me when I get back.

Anyone had that problem? Your flock not remembering who you are after an absence?
Thankfully, nope! Just leave them in good hands and make sure to give them love when you come back!
I'm hoping they remember me when I get back.

I promise you that they will remember you.

Although, if the sitter lets them stay up late watching chick-flicks, not doing their homework and eating flavored mealworms instead of regular feed, they might remember you in a bad way ;)

Remember how we treated the easy-going substitute teacher who let us watch a movie when the regular teacher made us do long-division ?

yeah, that means that you may want to choose a not-so-nice sitter, and hide the mealworms on your way out, so the chickens don't try to convince her that is the regular feed bag.
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We haven't left them alone yet because Covid made all travel impossible in the last year in my area.

My spouse thinks he will ask a friend to house-sit, or the neighbours who are here all the time anyway and had chickens when they were young growing up on a farm will drop in.

I know I will panic and likely refuse to go away, because even when we go to the next town over to do groceries I start missing them.

I will want to bring them with us. Chickens need vacations too.

It will not be a civilized or rational argument when it does happen.

(q: when are argument civilized or rational ? a: when you are not talking about anything I care about.)
there is a virus going on so you shouldn't be "visiting" anybody or at least that's the excuse we have been using to be unsociable :yesss:

hey! fellow-hermit! Nice to meet you. I knew there had to be others enjoying the ultimate excuse for my (unnatural) instinct to never leave the house or visit anyone. Go-lockdown!

This has been such an awesome year for me, and I feel so guilty for being happy during all the global suffering. I wake up like every day is christmas morning. Another day at home!

Rising tide does not raise all ships. Some of us are on blocks in the backyard, happily landlocked.

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