How do you guys mark your Eggs under your Broody Hen?


13 Years
Apr 4, 2011
Lexington, KY
I've tried several methods over the years; a good old sharpie, a dot of nail polish, wax pens... what do you guys have the best success with?

In typical chicken fashion, I have 7 nesting boxes and all of my hens insist on sitting on top of my poor little silkie (Snowflake) who is trying her best to be broody. So every time I check in on her, there are new eggs.

Thanks in advance-

Thanks all. I'm just going to leave the cream eggs this time around so I'll give a pencil a go and keep an eye on them.

I also reduced the opening size to try and keep my full-size hens from sitting on top of her and put some eggs in the box next door to try and get them to decide that is the new cool spot.

My 4-year old daughter took care of the artistry. :)


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