How do you keep hawks from killing your chickens

I have lots of trees, shrubs, perennials, and now a gazebo within the are my flock free ranges to provide places for them to hide or handout with protection.
Yes, trees help keep the chickens out of the hawks' line of sight and buteo hawks like Redtails and Swainsons aren't accustomed to hunting in dense areas.
My problem is not a Buteo hawk like a Redtail, it is a Coopers Hawk, which is a very skilled woodland hawk. These birds are specifically adapted to hunting in forests, catching birds and squirrels. I have seen this hawk fly right through a long stretch of low shrub at high speeds and not clip a branch.
This is one reason why I don't free range my girls. They have a large run and get let out once in a while (with supervision from me). "Better to be safe than sorry"
Don't free range. When you free range it's a risk you take. I have nice large covered pens for my birds. We have a lot of aerial predators around. I got tired of my birds getting picked off. Good luck...

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