How do you name your chickens?

Mine are named the color of their leg bands. :gigRed, blue, green & yellow.

The older girls were named after the Golden Girls (Blanche, Dorothy, Rose & Sophia). The new girls were supposed to be named after the Grateful Dead (Jerri, Bobbi, Micki & Billi) but DH doesn't spend enough time with them to know names so I just call them colors, it's easier so I never bothered with the names. Red is a fiery little funny troublemaker & blue struggles with soft shelled eggs so those names fit. Green & yellow, those make no sense. LOL
Our originals are Florence and Felicity, Clara, Becky, Sharon, Brittany, Pippa, Henrietta (who sadly died), Daisy and Dot the rooster. Dot was called Dot because as a chick he had a white blob on his head. We have just had two more hatch - the first also had a blob so we have called him/her Dash. The next one looked exactly like Dash so he/she is Hyphen. If any more hatch we are going to work through the punctuation marks (other than colon)
We named a lot of our 11 birds by their looks or behavior as chicks. The loudest was Donna because she was a prima donna who cheeped at everything (now she's head hen).

Then there's Pinkie, who had a pink beak as a chick, and BB with a black beak. We call her The Beebs now. Frida BaKawlo has a mustache across her beak which reminds me of Frida's self-portraits.

They'll grow out of many of the traits they're named for – Pinkie is a Black Langshan, not pink at all – but it's an easy way to remember their names early on when they're hard to tell apart :D
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Some of mine get names based on their breed's country of origin. Camille and Celeste are Salmon Faverolles and got French names, as did my Midnight Majesty Maran, who is Eleanor after the queen of Aquitane. Bronwyn has a British sounding name because she is a Speckled Sussex. Lottie is a Dutch girl's name for my Welsummer.

Althea, Beatrix and Cordelia are named for TV characters; they are all Buckeyes. Evie and Audrey are named for a reality show contestant.

Honey, the Buff Orpington, is named for her beautiful color.

Gabby is a very expressive Cochin bantam; Sally, her sister, is just a name I liked.

Pip had some problems breaking her shell to get into the world. And my former partner thought it would be funny to name her siste Squeak. Their father is Sir Henry The Loud obvious reasons.
My in-town chickens were Noodle, Dumpling, Sesame, Barbie(cue), Kiev, and Rosemary (later revealed to be Marion), plus my packing peanuts, "The Red Boys" -- Vinnie, Parm, Fry, Stew, and Fric. I couldn't tell those apart except for Vinnie, who was the boldest and most personable.

I chose food names as a reminder to myself and my family that the ultimate destination of spare cockerels, unwanted roosters, and retired laying hens is a long, hot, herbal-infused bath.

I will certainly re-use Noodle for another Dark Brahma and Dumpling for another Delaware. They were my best hens.
I enjoy finding names that suits each individual. I got some breed-themes (Orphelia the orpington, Sylvia the Silverrud Blue), some fandom-themes (bantams named after Hobbits and ducks named after Don Rosa's Donald Duck family tree), some joke or pun (Theodore Roostervelt, Alonezo the lonely duckling).
I have a mix of names, I'll name some off: Myrtle, Muriel, Beatrice, Rose, Rosamonde, Darla, Lucille, Dottie, Dorothy, Gold Puff, Sweetie, Creamsicle, Peaches, Virginia, Dusty, Trouble, Turtle Dove, Red, Sweet Pea, Cherry, Shirley, Ruby, and Susan.

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