How do you pronounce...

Tsk Tsk...this simply will not do. Perhaps it's time to resurrect a thread and summon a Spook.
I'd like to meet him. Another Spook besides my clingy guinea:
Wait, what? Huh?
He seems like a nice guy... and a husband besides. I'm not sure that I have the nerve heart to widow Em.
Also, my blades are already sharp. Staple gun loaded, bathroom scale cleaned from the last incident, etc.....
If he chains her to a tree with his head.
The little one will be good enough to teach him to never chain her up again.
Can I ask who this "Spookwriter," is?
I am unfamiliar with EmHistory.
Mr Spook is what all us other people in the kingdom wanna be when we grow up.
he just floats around in his sheet eating brownies and donuts and avoids all the traps set down by the moat.

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