How Do You Tell The Difference Between Ameraucanas & EEs?

That pretty girl looks just like my Agnes who is 'sposed to be an Ameracauna - but - this thread says she is an Easter Egger. Well, she's still very pretty and lays very pretty blue eggs.
We went to the Stock Show this past Sunday... saw some Ameraucana hens... funny thing though, in one of the cages there was a GREEN egg... I kinda went "Huh? A green egg?" (thinking wait a second that means EE, not Pure Amer) and the lady there decided to educate me "Ameraucanas lay green eggs"... didn't even bother saying blue OR green, just they lay green... so... if the peeps at the SS are spreading that bumpkis I reckon you (and I) aren't the only ones having trouble.

Personally, if I was trying to pass off an EE as a pure Amer. I'd make sure that green egg wasn't spotted. I wouldn't cheat in the first place, but if I stooped to that I'd at least be smart about it... sheesh.
Maybe she had green peas for breakfast

Some people make you want to smack 'em. If you don't know a breed, please don't sell it and pretend to know everything. You are a better person than me...I would have probably launched into an argument.

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