How Do You Tell The Difference Between Ameraucanas & EEs?

Good gravy! So Ameraucanas from hatcheries are more likely EE's, correct? But from breeders are the real deal?
Is it me or does it seem like most of the Ameraucana breeders are in WA. & OR. area?

Now for my biggest question... which are more personable in y'all's opinion, EEs or Ameraucanas? In creating our ultimate dream team of backyard babies
we've narrowed our future choice down to EE's or Amer's- which is better personality-wise? My DS and I have been spoiled by Henrietta's loving nature and
would really like to have a small flock of babies just as loving as she is who like to be handled and hand fed and futzed with. What do y'all think??
I haven't had experience with Amers yet, I will let you know in about six months

My EEs are sweet and loving, but my Speckled Sussex are more so....and my Faverolles are doublely so. The Favs are like cats, following you around wanting to be petted. Even the Favs roosters are big softies, they try to put on the big-mean rooster act but once you scratch them under their wings they turn to mush in your lap.
From what I've read , Ameraucana breeders are still struggling to lock down proper color and characteristics in the different varieties , and the Silver has been one that has been very difficult . Some are adding outside blood to improove color or type and later culling to regain the blue egg [ every breed is origially a cross and nearly every new color variety is made from a cross also ] . A buyer can pick up these culls from the breeder directly or at auctions , and throw them in a flock of breeders for hatchery eggs . Your Silver hen may look good enough to win a major show for all I know , but still lay an off-color egg . The trouble is that most hatchery stock are simply a flock of mixed type and color so the buyer has absolutely no idea of the genetics behind the chicks they are buying , other than its possible they might lay a blue or green egg [ or they might not LOL ] .
From what I've read , Ameraucana breeders are still struggling to lock down proper color and characteristics in the different varieties , and the Silver has been one that has been very difficult . Some are adding outside blood to improove color or type and later culling to regain the blue egg [ every breed is origially a cross and nearly every new color variety is made from a cross also ] . A buyer can pick up these culls from the breeder directly or at auctions , and throw them in a flock of breeders for hatchery eggs . Your Silver hen may look good enough to win a major show for all I know , but still lay an off-color egg . The trouble is that most hatchery stock are simply a flock of mixed type and color so the buyer has absolutely no idea of the genetics behind the chicks they are buying , other than its possible they might lay a blue or green egg [ or they might not LOL ] .

Interesting. So a hatchery EE could be cousins to a blue ribbon winning Ameraucana somewhere?
Are all hatchery breeding flocks culls from breeders? I've often wondered where the hatcheries get their birds from.
Sheesh! Like this?
THAT ladies and gentlemen is why I do not allow myself to even visit eBay anymore...I bid aggressively

But all in all I am quite happy with my purchase, I've been looking for black Ameraucanas...but no one normally wants to part with their blacks (I don't blame them). I shall post pics when the hatchlings arrive!!

I'm so excited!!

NOW THAT"S A REAL DEAL CHICKEN TRACTOR!!!! LOVE IT!!!! (ok, sorry for the commercial break...back to chickie talk!!!(LOL) Just saw your pics of your coop and JUST HAD to compliment you!!!! Blessings,Keri
Sheesh! Like this?
THAT ladies and gentlemen is why I do not allow myself to even visit eBay anymore...I bid aggressively

But all in all I am quite happy with my purchase, I've been looking for black Ameraucanas...but no one normally wants to part with their blacks (I don't blame them). I shall post pics when the hatchlings arrive!!

I'm so excited!!

NOW THAT"S A REAL DEAL CHICKEN TRACTOR!!!! LOVE IT!!!! (ok, sorry for the commercial break...back to chickie talk!!!(LOL) Just saw your pics of your coop and JUST HAD to compliment you!!!! Blessings,Keri

Thank you! My chickens merely view it as a way of stripping away their natural born rights to strip the buds off of my mother's favorite shrubs.
From what I've read , Ameraucana breeders are still struggling to lock down proper color and characteristics in the different varieties , and the Silver has been one that has been very difficult . Some are adding outside blood to improove color or type and later culling to regain the blue egg [ every breed is origially a cross and nearly every new color variety is made from a cross also ] . A buyer can pick up these culls from the breeder directly or at auctions , and throw them in a flock of breeders for hatchery eggs . Your Silver hen may look good enough to win a major show for all I know , but still lay an off-color egg . The trouble is that most hatchery stock are simply a flock of mixed type and color so the buyer has absolutely no idea of the genetics behind the chicks they are buying , other than its possible they might lay a blue or green egg [ or they might not LOL ] .

THANK YOU for a well thought out and helpful post!
I, like many here, am no expert on chicken breeding and genetics and I have always wondered about this hen though I know she's not an Ameraucana. I appreciate your explanation. Thank you!
" Interesting. So a hatchery EE could be cousins to a blue ribbon winning Ameraucana somewhere?
Are all hatchery breeding flocks culls from breeders? I've often wondered where the hatcheries get their birds from. "

Just as all humans are related LOL . I'm certainly no expert , just starting to learn through research . I can't say where all hatcheries get their stock . I do know some contract to buy eggs from outside sources . I know of one that does sell chicks from stock they have chosen and does breed towards the goal of producing chicks that are good representatives of the breed . That one sells EEs with Ameraucana characteristics but of mixed colors , Black Ameraucana , and White Ameraucana . They are even honest enough to frankly admit that their Whites are not breeding true . On the other hand , to meet the requirements of the APA a variety only has to breed true 50% of the time .

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