How Do You Tell The Difference Between Ameraucanas & EEs?

If you want to be assured of great temperment, buy birds/eggs from a REAL breeder - because when you get mutts, you have no clue what their temperment will be or what their crossed with.

Even so, as a general rule all my EEs are great birds - and I adored my real Ameraucana rooster.
I only saw a few pics on this thread.

Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas


Blue eggs from the Ameraucanas, green from the EEs. (But I do have an EE that lays blue)

Very nice!!
What color are her legs? They look almost white on my monitor.

Blue Wheaten

Her legs?
I read what color they were, but it was her legs that I was looking at, they look almost white in the picture.
I wasn't arguing whether her legs are correct
I just didn't know... I'm a recent Ameraucana convert, so I am still learning. (And I seriously like her leg color, makes for a very pretty bird.) Someone mentioned earlier that Ameraucana legs should be "slate" and my mind interprets that as DARK gray. So their legs can actually vary according to their coloration?...Sheesh! Ameraucanas are complicated!
I've got a LOT more to learn!

Off to research!!
Not that I have found so far. Every one that I have looked at warn that egg colors will vary from brown, pink, green, or blue. It may be hard to guarantee egg color in an EE...I read a thread on EE egg color somewhere here at BYC about how genetics work in the EE egg colors. Interesting thread...although I can't find it at the moment. I found it a couple of months ago while frustrated because one of my EEs started laying brown eggs (although her eggs are now EXTRA large, so she is making up for their brownness with quantity)

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