How do your Cream Legbars lay?


12 Years
Jul 13, 2007
Otley, UK
I got 2 POL Cream Legbars this spring and they started to lay nice blue eggs until June. Then they stopped and I have not had a single egg since. They look healthy enough too.
I have heard that Legbars are not regular layers - is that your experience or have I just got a pair that is dud?
I'm happy to report that (at least) one of the Legbars has started laying again. Thats quite a holiday from June to January - just as well I had not the sense/guts to put them in the pot!

Lovely sky blue eggs again.
Cream Legbars are something you would be hard-pressed to find in the United States. Our blue egg layers would be Araucanas, Ameraucanas, and Easter Eggers (Ameraucana wanna-bes).

KingsCalls, Legbars aren't Leghorns. They are a mix of Leghorn, Barred Rocks, Ameraucanas and something else that gives them a little crest looking thing. They're also auto sexing, like Pilgrim Geese.
I don't think Cream Legbars are available in the US. I've looked everywhere. The breeds and varieties available in Europe make me so jealous! Could you post pictures of them? They seem like amazing birds.

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